S t u c k i n h e r c e r a m i c c h e s t 

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No. She decided that no, she wasn't experiencing her life all over again.

She was watching it.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to anymore.

She saw her son hit his head on a cabinet door.

"Are you okay!?" Her past self yelled from a distance, having heard the bang.

"I'm fine!" He yelled back. But her current self could see he wasn't. There were tears in his eyes.

Why didn't he tell me? Why did he not ask for ice or a kiss to feel better.

She never knew that this had happened. She doesn't even remember hearing a bang or him lying to her.

Why must she know now.

When there's nothing she can do.

If she had arms she could hold him.
If she had human lips she would kiss his forehead better.
If she had legs she would carry him to the couch to rest for awhile.

She loves him so much.

Why won't life let her show her love more?

Then and now?

What are you supposed to do with love that goes nowhere?

What do you do with it?

What do you do?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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