A g a i n

13 1 9

Her in-laws are coming over.

She knows it.

This year.

For Thanksgiving,

They are.

And it very,Very,Very.


Scares her.

  She may not be able to talk to them this time around but she will have to suffer through listening to the whole ordeal all over again.

   How does she hear at all anyways? How does she hear her husband sneakily playing Christmas music in November while her true self is gone at work?

How does she when she doesn't have any ears?

    Her child's laughter. Her husbands tender whispers. Even the banging that comes from the apartment upstairs.

The only thing she can't hear is herself.

Because she cannot talk.

   Because she has no mouth to speak with. No mouth to yell at the in-laws with.

Why can she only hear and not speak?

   Not only as cup did she have this issue she realizes.

   It was also an issue when she was herself,as a person.

   Even when she did have a mouth she did not use it.

She only listened. She only watched.
She never talked. She never acted.

Back to the beginning.

   She will have to suffer through listening to the whole ordeal all over again.

And not talk.
And not be seen.
And not be heard.
And not do anything

All Over Again.


Is she really only living her life all over Again?

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