7. Good Morning

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    "I really need to kill something." I groaned, hugging the couch pillow.

    "You can kill that strange boy." Mr Graham said without looking at me.

    I sat up quickly and looked at him. "I don't wanna kill him yet."

    I felt childish, like I was a kid arguing that he didn't want to leave his friends house yet. Mr Graham turned and stared at me for a long moment, his face unreadable.

    "You can't let him live after last night. He could've just been pretending to get along so that you wouldn't kill him. He'd go right to the police."

    "I will kill him, just not yet." I said but Mr Graham didn't reply. "Anyway he enjoys getting the shit beaten out of him. It's pretty funny."

    "Just make sure he doesn't escape. And I better see you in class today." He said, seeming stressed at my words.

    "Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes.

    "Why are you even here still?" He asked and I laughed. "Were you in that basement all night?"

    "It was too late to go home, I stayed in your guest bed."

    Mr Graham blinked slowly at me and I could tell he felt annoyed at me for staying the night. He probably didn't appreciate Justin still breathing in his basement either.

"I don't know how I feel about that." He laughed and I joined him.

"Well you're basically my murder dad now. Might as well let me sleep here sometimes."

He shrugged. "I'll consider it. Just don't make it known."

"Of course not." I stated, offended he thought I would be so dumb to tell people.

He didn't say anything more though before he left for work. I went to the basement to make sure Justin was secure before leaving for school.

Justin's POV

    My eyes opened suddenly and my heart sped up as the sound of footsteps overhead drew near. I looked around, confused momentarily but then the memories of last night came back in a flash. I blushed, glancing down at my naked body.

    I sat up and rubbed the shoulder that I had been sleeping on. I'd been laying on the concrete floor of a basement which wasn't good for my sore muscles. I looked around, assessing all I could, as fast as I could before the person in the room above could come down.

    I was naked. There was no stitch of clothing anywhere on me or in the whole room for that matter. I suddenly felt the chill that I hadn't noticed prior. Something heavy and cold was around my neck, connected to a chain. I yanked at it, trying to pull it off but it wouldn't budge. My eyes followed the silver links to the other end of the chain. It was locked around a concrete column near the center of the room about seven feet from the corner which I cowered in. I was so cold that the metal chain on my skin was almost warm in comparison. I exhaled, watching the vapor leave my mouth. How did I not freeze to death during the night?

    The whole room was bare beside the support beam that the chain was wrapped around. Next to it was a large metallic table. The room was spotless and clean but looking down at my body, I could see new cuts added to the scars covering my body. A trail of dried blood showed everywhere I had been in the room from the table to the corner I was hiding in. I pressed my back to the cold wall behind me and pulled my legs up so I could hug my knees. The door at the top of the stairs opened suddenly and Nick came in, standing there at the top of the stairs, staring at me with his dark eyes.

    "Good morning." He said, curiosity plain on his face.

    I watched as Nick came down the stairs, heading straight for me. How could he say good morning so nonchalant after last night?

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