29. Almost Perfect

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Justin's POV

The collar around my neck had come off only once since the time it was put on about six months back. I had been a slave that long. My master Nick was the reason I lived. Mr Graham grew slightly more comfortable with my presence once he found out what I did to my father. They both seemed to trust me now, somewhat, but that didn't stop them from keeping this collar around my throat.

I was able to go upstairs now as long as someone held my leash. I slept upstairs in the guest bedroom most nights with Nick if he was staying the night. If he weren't, I'd sleep in the basement with nothing but a towel to keep me warm. Life wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was fed properly, showered often. I had a nice bed and a warm body to sleep with. What more could someone want?

Sometimes Mr. Graham treated me like a dog, though. Nick did too, but he thought I was a good dog. It was Mr Graham who thought I was a bad dog. At least he allowed me to sleep with Nick or join the both of them when they'd watch movies or eat dinner together. Mr Graham was a quiet man, who kept mostly to himself unless Nick sought his attention. I had thought he might have started to treat me better after the incident with my father, but I had no such luck. He still wanted me dead. I didn't understand why, though, because it had already been six months since I was kidnapped. I thought I proved to him that I'm at least somewhat trustworthy.

But after Nick did something foolish last month, Mr Graham wanted me dead even more. Nick had sent pictures of a few of his killings in to the police department that he volunteered at. He also sent in images of me from when I was first brought here comparing them with more recent pictures. Of course, Nick made sure to leave no evidence that could reveal himself, but Mr Graham still thought that my living state somehow made the situation worse.

I still wanted to escape. I was reminded almost daily that I was living as a slave to two psychopaths that lived to murder. They even murdered together sometimes or tried to force me to murder to which I'd refuse. That always earned me discipline. To them, murdering was just as intimate as sex, maybe even more. I couldn't understand. I was jealous that they shared that bond.

I couldn't join them even if I wanted to. I wouldn't become a murderer just to survive this kidnapping. I'd be a sex object for Nick instead. When I first arrived, I feared Nick as I feared my father. But now, the fear was mixed with excitement because I was eager to please my master. How could I become so disgusting, as to love pleasing a killer? Sure, before I obeyed my father. But I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed it with Nick. I was still afraid of Mr Graham, though. It was just so obvious he hated me, even if he did nothing to kill me himself.

"Justin, come here." Nick said. I blinked, awaking from my thoughts.

Nick knew I enjoyed watching him work. I sometimes liked to imagine being the one on the table being tortured. It was so sick, I knew, but it kept me alive too. I walked over to the table as far as I could reach with my chain and sat on a stool beside my master while he cut into the flesh of a screaming woman. It was rare Nick brought a woman in to kill. This time he wasn't sharing her with Mr Graham though. Most of the females he had were shared with the professor.

I always tried to count the people they brought in, just in case I did escape one day. Then I would betray my master and tell the police that they forced me to hurt my father and that they raped and beat me. I had the scars to prove it even though it wasn't entirely true. I was still underage and Nick was only 20? 21?, so I thought maybe we'd be let off a little easier. I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty at the idea of Nick getting caught, though. Nick trusted me and treat me right. I pushed the idea of betraying him out of my mind.

"This is Sherry. Actually, I don't know her name. But she looks like a Sherry. Sherry, this is Justin, my slave." Nick smiled down at his victim.

She didn't look like a Sherry to me. She looked like me if I were a girl. All of Nicks victims lately looked like me. When it wasn't a personal kill, I realized Nick preferred dark haired and light eyed boys. It kind of creeped me out and flattered me at the same time. Now that I thought about it, I wondered if I was kidnapped because of my looks.

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