21. Missing People

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Nicks POV

He was here.

The God dammed rat was in my territory. Why was he here? It was me who reviewed his volunteer application and I denied it. Who decided to go over me, the actual volunteer director?? I'd have to take the time to ask the chief about it. Drake sat with a gloating smile and I could feel my eye twitch in agitation. Drake smiled and waved welcomely as I entered.

How had managed to snake his way into my volunteer group at the police station? Absolutely ridiculous. I glanced around to see if anybody else was as annoyed by him as I was, but nobody seemed bothered. I guess they didn't have a chance to get to know him yet. I took my usual seat in the conference room. This was where we usually came before a days work to talk about pretty much anything. This group in particular liked to discuss the officers current cases, almost like a little true crime club. Most these students aspired to be somebody important. Most. Drake didn't really belong here.

I locked eyes then with Officer Harris. He was watching me, as if waiting to see my reaction to Drake. It was him! He must have let Drakes application get by. He nodded to me in greeting and then glanced over at Drake who was chatting happily to one of the other volunteer students. I huffed angrily and stood, stepping out of the small room. Harris moved to follow.

He seemed to notice my frustration as he leaned against the wall, waiting for me to speak.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"I couldn't let you abuse your power." He said. "Denying him a chance to volunteer because you are fighting online?"

He shook his head, as if he thought we were having a childish feud. Little did Officer Harris know Drake was a psychotic piece of shit.

"This is ridiculous." I stated. "Drake is exactly the type of person who shouldn't be a cop."

"Then good thing he's not a cop." Harris shrugged. "I will keep an eye on him. Let's see how he does."

"Did you talk to him?" I asked, wondering if Drake got the chance to poison Harris against me.

"Nick, stand down." He shook his head. "You can't let your personal feelings keep you from doing your job effectively. I went over his application and I see no red flags."

I glared but the guy just looked sorry for me. I didn't want to draw suspicion to me by continuing to argue. I didn't want to seem like Drakes enemy or anything like that when the chance to kill him did arise. We returned to the room where the volunteer students were abuzz with an excitement I had never seen before.

"Your brother is one of the people who went missing, isn't that right, Nick?" Drake asked with fake sympathy.

I was stunned. What were they discussing? My brother? How did he find that out, anyway? I looked around to see everybody stared on with pitiful eyes. I smiled grimly.

"Yes, unfortunately." I was annoyed but attempted to show some concern for dead asshole.

"Do you think he's dead?" Drake asked and my brows set in annoyance. Everyone looked at Drake, shocked by the implication.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he just left town because he cant handle the responsibility of his wife being newly pregnant." I said with a shrug and everybody's sympathy suddenly turned to awkwardness.

"And that other boy. What was his name? Some high schooler?" Another student mentioned.

My body felt cold as they mentioned yet another one of my victims.

"You mean Justin Davis, he went missing a few months ago. It was only noticed by his school or something?"

"Justin Davis had many unexplained absences but the school finally decided to contact his dad after a month of missed classes. Apparently Mr Davis thought his son was staying with friends that whole time." Harris said doubtfully.

"A whole month of no contact with his son? Isn't that suspicious?" Drake raised an eyebrow, taking to the group but staring directly at me.

"The father didn't even want to file a missing persons report. Apparently Justin has run away in the past and figured he was doing it again." Harris said.

"Why would he run away from Mr Davis? Isn't he some CEO of one of the logging companies around here?" One of the students asked.

I hadn't known that of Mr Davis.

"Used to be. He probably didn't want to report Justin missing because it would make him look bad in the public eye."

Mr Davis was somebody known to the public? That made no sense. He was a shut in. I never saw him leave his house the entire time I stalked Justin and him before taking them. What would cause Mr Davis to become such a disgusting character if all these people thought he was someone with a reputation to uphold?

"Well the teachers expressed concerns that they suspected Justin was a victim of domestic abuse. Thats the only reason we decided to make the missing persons report." Harris sighed.

"You think Mr Davis did something to Justin?" I asked, trying to make the multiple disappearances in town seem less connected.

"The man has turned into something bad. I did not enjoy questioning him." Harris said and showed genuine disgust for a moment.

"Yeah, Justin was the kid who fell down stairs quite often." Drake mentioned, his sarcasm strong. "I remember him from when I was in high school."

"We're due to check with Mr Davis again soon." Harris said. "Not looking forward to it."

They didn't seem to even realize that Mr Davis was missing too. Would they suspect he ran? Probably. They'd search his house and find what a mess it was. Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse. Perhaps there'd be evidence of his career selling Justin and posting videos online. Then it would make sense for Justin's disappearance. Maybe Mr Davis's disappearance would be explained that he was on the run since police seemed suspicious.

"Why hasn't Justin's apparent abuse been investigated more?" I asked, a spark of anger controlling me momentarily.

"Don't you know who Mr Davis is? He probably has the money to do whatever he wants. Give it a rest." Todd, one of my coworkers scoffed at me as if it were obvious why Justin was always ignored.

"Meaning?" I asked and nobody answered.

They all looked shameful. I huffed angrily. I needed to control myself. These wannabe cops were stupid. Maybe even easy to fool.

"Justin probably just ran away if there was really domestic abuse." I suggested and a lot of other volunteers nodded.

I smiled. They were all idiots.

"You would think so. But Luke. He had a scholarship, friends and family. He is missing as well." Drake said worriedly and then smirked at me.

My smile dropped. I had forgotten Luke. How much did Drake know about me? Was he just guessing I killed everybody that was missing? Well it was true. But still annoying of him.

"There is no physical evidence with any of these disappearances. They are probably unrelated." Harris sighed.

"Luke wasn't necessarily a likable person, though." One student pipped up.

Everyone turned to look at him.

"Why would you say that?" Harris asked.

"Well, I saw him bully people on occasion." He glanced at Drake nervously.

I remembered then that Drake bullied sometimes, too. Did he bully this other student as well?

"Well gee, what if our town has a serial killer??" Drake asked with wide eyes.

But then he smirked at me. That fucking smirk. I wanted to cut his jaw off so he could never smile again.

"Don't say something so ridiculous." Harris scoffed.

"Yeah, you're right. There's no way this small town would have a killer." Drake smiled and stared at me as he spoke.

I was angry since it was him talking, but his words made want to laugh.

"A killer in our small town? That is absurd." I agreed with Drake, trying to appear serious.

Nobody seemed to notice the tension as Drake and I stared each other down. I was still annoyed with his presence in the station. I would have to punish him, one way or another. And I knew exactly how I could get to him, even if I couldn't kill him yet.

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