34. The Chiefs Son

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A/N: Wanted to show this drawing of Justin I did

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A/N: Wanted to show this drawing of Justin I did. It'll also be in the 'Pics' chapter. Also this is a long chapter, sorry!

Nicks POV

"How have you been settling with him?" Harris nodded towards Drake. "I know you weren't happy with me for letting him join the group."

I followed his gaze to the rat. He was chatting it up with a coworker, paying me no attention. I wanted to tell Harris just how sick Drake was and how he didn't belong in the department. But I didn't want him growing suspicious of me for having contempt towards the asshole.

"It's fine." I forced out.

Harris probably wanted to believe me so he chose to ignore the grimace on my face. He smiled at my response and clapped his hand on my shoulder like he was proud.

"You're a good guy." He said with his dumb smile and I couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness.

Me? A good guy?

"Hey, do you wanna get a drink with me tonight?" He asked. "Markus would be coming too."

"Who's Markus?" I asked which made him chuckle.

I didn't make it a priority to know all the students that volunteered under me. Sure, I recognized them, but they wouldn't lead me to success compared to if I was friendly with a higher up like the Chief.

"He's the chiefs son." He said, surprised that I didn't know already.

I raised an eyebrow in interest. The Chiefs son could definitely come with some personal gain.

"Yeah, I actually need to talk to him if you can send him my way when you see him."

"Sure." I nodded.

Harris excused himself to go work on the case footage. I went straight to the Chiefs office and there sat the young man who I assumed must've been Markus. His dark hair covered his eyes while he looked down to read a book on communication. His skin was so pale and pure looking, no scratch or bruise anywhere I could see. I wanted to change that. I couldn't stop staring at him even as I walked into the office and sat across from him.

"Nick." Chief greeted. I finally looked away from his son and met the chiefs gaze.

"Harris wanted Markus for something." I said, glancing back to the guy just as he looked up to meet my eyes.

Striking blue. I flashed a grin at him, imaging all I could do if I just had him in my basement. Who would've guessed the chief had such a handsome son!Markus looked at me strangely, as if trying to understand something. I didn't know if he seemed weirded out because he somehow sensed my intentions or maybe just because I knew his name without ever meeting him.

"Alright." Was all he said as he sat his book down to leave.

"He's probably in with the videos. Make sure you knock." Chief said as his son walked out the door.

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