24. Fucked Up Happy Family

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"Let's start by losing that shirt." I grabbed Adams shirt collar and used my knife to cut a tear all the way down his shirt.

"What? No!" Adam yelled as he came back to it.

I ignored his complaints as I cut the clothes off his body. Adam was blushing the whole time so that he was just a bunch of red, almost as red as his hair and freckles. He used his cuffed hands to cover his naked lap.

"Do you want to be as beautiful as Justin?" I asked, gliding my blade along the smooth skin on his ribs. "You've got the bruises down."

"Please, no." Adam cried.

I glanced over to Alice and laughed since Justin was still on her lap, and she did nothing to stop it. Apparently she felt satisfied with her situation, safe that I wouldn't kill her now.


He looked up at me, awaiting orders.

"Give the pretty girl a kiss too. Can't show favoritism when it comes to twins." I spoke happily and Alice's eyes were wide. "Otherwise one might have the other killed."

This pair of twins were brats. Even though they were best friends, it was always a competition to be the better twin. Alice made her jealousy obvious, but Adam was too stupid to notice. Maybe it was a just girl thing. Either way, I didn't want her feeling comfortable.

"P-please don't." She pleaded as Justin hesitated to grab her face.

"You saw what happened when your brother spit on me." Justin explained as he leaned closer.

I was proud of his words. They made me feel needed. It was also a disguised threat. My little slave just threatened another victim. Justin gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then leaned back. He turned to me, seeming to ask if that was good enough.

"You kissed Adam better than that." I scoffed and waved my hand for him to continue.

He nodded and turned back to Alice. Adam was surprisingly quiet. I leaned against the table in a relaxed manor and grabbed his chin once more, making him watch his whore of a sister. Justin held her face delicately and kissed her slowly. Their heads were each tilted. I was surprised for a moment at how manly Justin looked, even though he was so small. Usually I viewed him as my bitch. But now he was kissing a bitch.

"Are you showing her how well you kiss me?" I laughed and Adam tugged his face from my grasp.

"Stop!" He shouted, or more so whined.

"WATCH THEM." I yelled at Adam but Justin was the only one to startle.

I snorted, annoyed. Adam obeyed, though. I turned back to Justin. He wasn't turned on, I noticed. Was he just not into girls? His kiss looked like he could be. Suddenly his body went ridged. I raised an eyebrow and he let out a pained whimper. Then I saw blood dripping down his chin. I stood quickly.

"Release him." I said in a low voice.

Alice let go quickly and Justin wasted no time in flinging himself away from her. She spat his blood on the floor and I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. Justin looked up with a pained expression, his hand covering his lips.

"H-he bit me first." She said quickly and I looked at Justin who shook his head wildly.

What a lying bitch.

"Come make sure Adam here can't move while I play with his sister." I shoved Adam down so that he lay on his back now, on the victim table.

Justin's frightened eyes stared at me in shock as I held Adam down. Did I look as angry as I felt? Is that why he was afraid? His blood was a slow trickle as it dripped from his mouth. Was it his lip she bit? His tongue? It must've been a hard bite if there was that much blood.

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