44. Nightmare Part 1

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The following chapter contains scenes that some readers may find disturbing and/or may not be suitable for younger audiences, including graphic depictions of rape and sexual assault. Readers discretion is advised.

Nightmare Part 1
Justin's POV

As I sat in the basement, the sound of unfamiliar footsteps echoed through the house above me. My heart raced, recognizing that these were not the usual footsteps I had grown accustomed to. Mr. Graham had a slower, deliberate gait, while Nick's steps were often quick and purposeful. But these...they were different. They moved cautiously, as if searching for something. The thought of the police finally investigating the house sent a wave of anxiety through me. Or perhaps it was an intruder, about to stumble upon something horrifying locked in the basement. I wondered if I should be afraid of being discovered and exposing Nick, or if I should feel a glimmer of hope, that maybe, just maybe, this stranger could be my ticket to freedom.

I couldn't help but worry that Mr. Graham would soon discover Hayleen's existence. If he did, he might rush home, driven by the need to eliminate any evidence that could link him to the crimes committed in his house. Hayleen's presence alone could be enough to send him into a panic enough to kill me. I knew that in his eyes, I was a potential threat, a witness to his dark secrets. Even if I managed to prove my loyalty by taking a life, he might still see me as a liability, someone who could expose him. Killing me was the safest plan of action for Mr Graham.

Whoever was upstairs continued to walk around the house for awhile and I stayed silent. My discomfort and uncertainty grew as the steps approached the basement door with purpose then as if they found what they'd been searching for. The silence that lingered after walking to the door was unnerving, especially since I couldn't hear anyone messing with a lock. Suddenly, the basement door opened and the light was flicked on. I was shocked, the door should've been locked. What the hell?

He stood there, motionless, with a black ski mask covering his face, just staring at me. My heart raced in my chest as a million thoughts flooded my mind. Did I have to kill him? Did he recognize me? Who was this masked intruder? And why was he just staring at me? Imagine you're robbing a house and suddenly you find a chained-up teenager in the basement. What would you do?

I noticed then that his hands were empty, no bags or electronics. If he was here to steal, why were his hands empty? He started coming down the steps, moving quickly, taking two at a time. He was wearing dark jeans and a grey sweatshirt. As he got closer, standing right over me, I heard a muffled laugh from under his mask. The sound sent a chill down my spine, and I immediately recognized it.

"Justin," the voice said, and my blood froze. I couldn't believe it. Drake removed the mask, revealing an evil grin on his face. He looked like a kid who was just given a candy bar, but his excitement made me feel sick to my stomach. "So you're my treat," He sounded thrilled.

"No," I whispered, pushing myself away as he advanced. My back hit the cold, hard wall.

"You've been gone for months. Now I see why," he took a step closer, leaving me speechless as I pressed myself against the wall. "Shame. I had hoped you killed yourself."

My mind flashed back to my last day of freedom. Drake had bullied me, as usual, and told me to kill myself. Did he really think I was dead this whole time? No. He couldn't have. Nick said that everybody knew who I was now, the loyal slave to the Coal Creek Killer.

"I know my pictures are out there." I said nervously and Drakes eyes went wide, amused yet surprised. "Don't act like you didn't know I was taken."

I doubted myself then. Did Nick really show the police all those pictures of me? Or did he just say that to make me think I was trapped here? That I'd be arrested if I even left... no... Nick wouldn't lie like that. And Mr Graham definitely wouldn't lie for Nicks entertainment.

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