Talk of the Past

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The small breeze sighed through the forest, rustling the leaves as whispering secrets. The wolves gathered in a tranquil clearing, the wise Alpha Elias, carried a heavy burden in his heart. "I see you and Sparrow are close friends. How long have you and Sparrow known each other?" inquired Elias, his voice tinged with curiosity. Shadow, his fur as dark as the night sky, shifted uneasily before replying, "We've known each other since we were pups, I believe 6 years old. We have been inseparable since then. May I ask why?"

Elias's gaze clouded with sorrow as memories of days long past flooded his mind. "You see, years ago, we were allied with the Air clan. Our packs worked together to hunt for food and tried to maintain balance in our environment. It was a time of peace and alliance, with laughter echoing through the woods. During that time, my daughter, Rosalie, befriended Sparrow. He was a gentle soul, as light and free as a cloud. The two of them would frolic and play, their laughter a sweet melody in the forest." His voice grew heavy with regret as he recounted the events that shattered their idyllic existence. 

"But then, darkness descended upon us. The creatures began encroaching on our territory, disrupting the delicate balance we had fought so hard to maintain. The climate grew hostile, and we were forced to seek refuge in the safety of the mountains." Elias paused, his eyes reflecting the pain etched in his heart. "Months passed and we dared to return, hoping to reunite with our friends in the Air clan. But when we arrived, they were gone, leaving behind only whispers of their existence. I sent scouts to search for them, and they discovered that the Air clan had migrated to the high sequoias near the ruins of Albina, the once-great city. My daughter was withered before she could grow into bloom, knowing that there was a slim chance in reuniting with him." 

Shadow bowed his head in empathy, understanding the depth of Elias's grief. "Alpha, do not burden yourself with guilt. You acted out of love and duty to protect your pack, including Rosalie. You made the best decisions you could in the face of adversity. The responsibility does not rest solely on your shoulders. We must adapt to survive in this ever-changing world." The wise Alpha stayed silent for a moment, then smiled warmly. "Thank you, Shadow. I'm also quite curious about how you and Sparrow met. Do tell."

"I was an orphan," began Shadow, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia, "Sparrow found me living and hiding on the edge of Sequoia Forest, across from Lavern headed toward East. That day I became solus I didn't know who to trust; then he appeared. Part of my life changed forever. When he brought me to his pack, his mother immediately accepted me as her own. The rest of the pack was okay with it—they didn't mind. His mother showed kindness and love, comforting me, and giving me a sense of home that I hadn't felt for a while. When Sparrow and I were older, illness struck her down our entire pack was devastated. 

No herb or remedy could bring her back from the brink, and so we could do nothing but watch as she slipped away in her sleep. The loss was a heavy blow, not just to Sparrow and me, but to the entire pack. His father, unable to bear the weight of his grief, followed her into the shadows of the spirit world soon after. With our family gone, Sparrow and I knew that we could not stay in a place that held so much pain and sorrow. With heavy hearts, we made the difficult decision to leave our pack behind and strike out on our own. We said our farewells to the only home we had ever known, leaving behind a piece of our hearts with the memories of happier times."

"I see. And that part you said earlier, you said you were an orphan. May I ask what happened to your parents?', the Alpha Inquired, curious to know and understand. Little did he perceive that the question pierced the air, causing Shadow to falter. His golden eyes darkened with sorrow. The memory of his past flashed before him—a scene of violence and loss that had shaped him in ways he could never fully express. After a moment of heavy silence, Shadow finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "They... they were taken from me. A pack of vicious creatures attacked our clan when I was just a pup." The pain in his words was tangible, a rawness that cut through the air like a blade. His heartache etched in every line of his powerful frame. 

Seeing the pain in Shadow's eyes, Elias knew not to press further with a silent understanding that transcended words. In that moment of shared sorrow and unspoken solidarity, Shadow bowed before Elias, a silent gesture of respect and gratitude. With a sudden low rumble of thunder, the wolves' ears perked up, sensing a howl from afar carrying a sense of forewarning.

 With a sudden low rumble of thunder, the wolves' ears perked up, sensing a howl from afar carrying a sense of forewarning

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(Baby Shadow, Baby Sparrow, and Sparrow's mother)

Sparrow's Mother (Amaya)

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Sparrow's Mother (Amaya)

Sparrow's Mother (Amaya)

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Sparrow's Father (Kein)

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