Red, white and black

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''I must take my leave now; let's catch up a little later,'' I said while maintaining the smile on my face even though I was internally panicking.

I carried myself with grace as I walked away. Suddenly, all the flashy lights from the chandelier became overbearing for me. As much as I've been secretly waiting for this day because I always want to meet new people and hope for them to show their world to me. People have always been fascinating to me, I still haven't realized exactly why. Mother had also noticed that about me, so she advised me to spend endless time reading etiquette books and learning about social situations and interactions with Mary Ann. Mary Ann is the maid assigned to me, and she wants me to keep our relationship professional, but I can't help myself with trying to make conversation with her.

When I had finally reached her mother, I put on an overjoyed expression.

''Excuse me, could I borrow my mother for a bit? We have something to discuss,'' I asked to the lady who was talking with my mother, expecting her to quickly scatter, but before that, my mother let out a disappointed sigh.

''Why - I don't think you comprehend-'' -?

''Please, lady Pinkerton, it seems like my daughter and I have something to discuss,'' my mother said to the seemingly offended lady Pinkerton.

Lady Pinkerton blinked: ''Pardon? I can hardly believe it be so.''

''And yet it is,'' my mother said, looking lady Pinkerton straight it the eyes to show her no fear while linking her arm with Chizuki's, she waved a fan over her face, ''my daughter probably seems to have an inquiry about her about to be husband, you wouldn't mind leaving us to express our thoughts, would you?''

And lady Pinkerton stomped away with her pink dress that was decorated with wilted flowers, which I think perfectly expressed her character. Though her dress really was breath-taking, such a shame she had an unbearable personality.

''Do you have no manners? Has Mary Ann taught you nothing?'' my mother looked at me with her snake eyes, which always worked with making me feel uneasy being in her presence. I tore my arm away from her and let my feelings take over me. 

''Stuff and nonsense, mother!''

''I will not be tolerating this behaviour from you,'' my mother disguised her boiling anger by putting on a smile and waving to her guests.

''Really, you had to arrange my spouse on my 16th birthday, do you have no shame?'' I tried getting her attention, and somehow it worked.

''You're not getting any younger, and don't even dare to think that you're so beautiful you could get a suitor at any moment in time just because you feel like it!'' she said while still maintaining eye contact with the ball's guests.

''I was asked to a dance, so maybe I'm not so desperate as you make it out to be,'' I remarked as I felt the pride gush in my face. 

''Did you just say a man asked you to a dance?'' 

''Is it really that unbelievable?'' I said while rolling my eyes, only now noticing she finally had decided to look me in the eyes. Was the realization that hard to believe? It wasn't like I had never been asked to dance. Sure, it didn't happen often, but that's taking it a notch too far.

''Stop making that face, it makes you look unattractive'' my mother said as she looked away from me again. I noticed she had a faint smile on her face. Now that was the breaking point, because she just started walking away as I was left there only with my thoughts and confusion. The whole conversation just frustrated me more than before. Was it really that black and white, and the only time I'll ever get to know him is when I meet him. What's even more amusing is that I don't even know when we will be meeting or where.

In an effort to try to forget about this uneventful set of events, I made my way toward the snack table again. This time, I tried the lemon tart, it was not as good as when I made them behind my mother's back.  While I was sulking there, I recalled the memories of Mary Ann and me having fun - her laughing when I told a joke, her scolding me when I asked her to tailor my clothes more comfortable or when I asked her not to tighten my corset too tight. I started to smile with tears in my eyes while simultaneously eating the third lemon tart. 

... And by the time it was eaten, Chizuki had tears on her cheeks.

''Who knew a girl would be so easy to please?'' said a familiar voice.

Chizuki swiped away the tears, unable to look at him.

'' You are observant, but wasn't that a little rude to say a crying fiancée?'' I wasn't paying attention on how to be appealing to the audience.

''Was it?'' Cael asked sheepishly.

''You really are from another place,'' I said as I turned to look at him while leaning on the table and shoving another lemon tart down my throat, the only thing that can save me now is sugar,'' I haven't met another man like you.''

''Was that meant to be a compliment?'' He said while getting closer to me.

''You know, I'm only talking to you this way because, as you said and I quote -''Do not be nervous, I'm just a man trying to make conversation with a lovely lady who looks spectacular tonight'', and I may be just a little bit communication deprived'' after trying to look and act smug, I noticed how close he was getting to me, and I looked up to the ceiling as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. 

''What have you noticed on the ceiling?'' 

''Oh - it was nothing thought I saw a fly in here,'' I said while looking down at him.

When he reached me, he extended his arm, and I froze up. He smiled at me, then reached for a cupcake and bit it, staring right in my face.

''Did you just-?'' I stopped leaning on the table and crossed my arms.

''Yes. Naturally. I meant it as a joke.'' He said while smirking at me and continuing to eat his cupcake.

That sly snake.

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