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I'm fine.
...Are you?
No, but I'm fine.

A man spending the night right beside me? You have got to be kidding me. Nothing against all of that, but how am I hearing about this just now? Not to mention that he said it so casually...

Could it be? No. What are you even thinking about? No way. Does he not see me as a woman? Could he love men? I don't know if that's good or dreadful. Have I grown accustomed to him?

"Just curious," he must snapping me out of my trance, "how does your room look like? Is the couch spacious?"

Of course. He can take the couch. Except I don't have a couch.

"I don't have a couch, but we can share the bed. Don't worry about it." I finally understand the saying "lying trough your teeth" because this lie was hard to say.

"Really? You're fine with it?" He said in a nonchalant way.

"You're a man, but if you behave yourself, it should be fine." This is painful.

"You don't have to worry about me. Keep your hands to yourself too." He snickered for a moment.

I wonder if he was also nervous and just trying to be tough. In all the books I've read, it says to never laugh, because that proves that you are either nervous or lying. I may be overreacting , but then again, why would the book lie?

I like books just because I'm able to pick up on any behaviour and social norms. I sometimes sneak off to the library to read as my mother likes to call it ''filth''. They're stories where a peasant falls in love with a princess. To be frank, I would've loved having such a sweet romance, but I guess my scenario is also pretty great. 

The walk to my room was silent. If I have to be honest, I think I may have exhausted him today after all my pent-up emotions found a victim. I hope he understood where I was coming from. It isn't easy not knowing if the person you're soon to marry turns out to be a douche. And I just realized, I probably seemed like the biggest douche he could ever marry.

''Hey, I have to say I'm sorry about...,'' I started gesturing all across the hall trying to find the right words, ''...all of this.''

''No, it's fine.''
''Stop! You can't possibly be this sweet!'' I stopped him in his tracks, ''Honestly, it's also suspicious.''

''Are you still suspicious?'' He asked, and I could feel the frustration in his voice. Then an idea popped in my head.

''Obviously I am. As far as I know, you could be the biggest douche.'' I will help you speak your emotions. Like it or not -chizuki

''Well, by that logic, then aren't you the douche?'' I will entertain you if that's what you want -cael

''And in what way?'', I saw his face expression changing as soon as he suggested that I was the douche, ''I'm dropping it. You don't have to endure my shenanigans.''

''You know what?'' He seemed amused, ''How do you always notice?''

''You do realize if I didn't know for a 100%, you would've given yourself away'' We continued walking down the hall.

''Sure, sure, but, please, do share!'' He seemed like a cute puppy, who was jumping up and down to get a treat from its owner.

''A lady never reveals her age! I'd like to add that needn't to tell you all my tricks either.''

''You are shut down, you do realize that, right?''

''Thank you! We are getting somewhere,'' I was relieved, he finally is about to talk to me, ''when we get to my room, we will be settling this matter!''

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