Smile and wave boys

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We had reached the stairs and unbeknownst to us everyone was standing there as if awaiting us, but that couldn't be possibly true, right? Looking into the crowd, I noticed my mother standing there fanning herself then my eyes shot up to Sora, who seemed awfully suspicious with her bizarre smile. Oh well. 

We made eye contact and that's when I decided, on a whim, to kiss him on the cheek.

Everyone erupted in chaos. People whispering and cheering, and even drinking champagne. Sora was even jumping up and down. That made me smirk.

And finally, we started to descend down the stairs. He seemed like he wasn't enjoying the attention, hmm weird, I never would've guessed, he seemed so different. We both were waving and smiling all around. It felt nice to feel my mother's pride.

We made our way to the table, and I picked up a champagne glass and gathered the attention.

''My dear community, who I hold dear in my heart, I am happy to announce my fiancéto you! Everyone gather round and meet Cael!'' I hugged his arm and as they were getting closer to the exciting news and quickly left Ceal to fend for himself.

I saw a fleeting glance toward my fiancé from Sora.

''You know I deeply appreciate you, but can we share this exciting moment? Also, no, you cannot steal my fiancé from me.''

She looked at me with puppy eyes as if she was ready for this answer, ''I hope you know that I would never do that to you, but can't we share him?'' 

I snickered and we hugged, everyone was far too focused on Cael to even notice us. 

''I have to say, don't you think it's a bit uncivil to leave your fiancé in that horde, I assume he won't be appreciating that'' She tugged on my arm, gesturing for me to help him.

And so here I was just walking dominantly toward the horde that had gathered in just seconds. I do have to say I liked the attention I had finally gotten, but it didn't feel like I had achieved it. The light was on the man, yes, it's Cael, and I shouldn't feel jealous of him, but I felt ecstatic only for it to be a let-down. No one was paying attention to me, as always. 

I turned away, letting him soak in the smiles and waves, and made my way toward my mother who just stood in the corner. 

''Are you pleased with me?''

''Am I supposed to be? What have you achieved?''


Not wanting to entertain her further, I turned, again, and this time, I will be getting Cael out of this mess.

''I'm pleasantly surprised by your maturity if that's what you meant.''

I turned to cast a glance at her, ''Thank you for acknowledging me.''

She waved me away, and I felt accomplished.

With the champagne glass that was in my hand, I gathered the attention of the crowd, they all turned to see what could be more important than this.

''If you excuse us, I think we should be getting to know each other further.''

I saw a little girl approach me while holding a rose.

''Actually, entertain yourselves with Cael.'' I could see through the crowd Cael with an unpleased face which told me to hurry it up. 

The girl was wearing a pink dress with her blonde hair tied back in a braid. She came up to me and gave me the rose.

''Excuse me, could I talk to you, please?'' she said in a very cheerful voice. How could I ignore her? That would be distasteful.

''Of course, what's on your mind? Also, this is a beautiful rose, I will be treasuring it my whole life!'' I tried to return the over joyous expression that she had on her face. Her face lit up with glee. She was so adorable!

''Oh, I have been waiting for this day for... forever,'' The girl was smiling, and I noticed that the girl had a gap between her front teeth. Somehow that made me trust her even more. ''You have always been an inspiration for me!''

''Me? Are you sure? Honey, I think there has been a misunderstanding. Don't get me wrong I am very flattered, but I-'' She seemed confused for a moment.

''Are you princess Chizuki?'' I could tell she felt as confused as me in the moment, but it felt like my stomach dropped when she said that she was adoring me.


No, I won't be letting that inflate my ego.

''Your eyes softened! You must be Chizuki! Don't lie to me.'' The cheerful expression reappeared.

''Yes, I am. Who would've thought! It has been a pleasure to meet you, pardon me, but what is your name?''

''My name is Sidney!''

''I love that name. Your parents named you perfectly.''

She gestured me to bow down so she could whisper in my ear. Who am I to refuse this pure girl's request?

''Did you know that I love you?''

''No, but I do now'' I giggled, now that made this the perfect night.

I straightened my back and I noticed how she was about to leave.

''Farewell! I hope you had a nice evening!''

''I did! Thank you! I must be heading home now.''

I hope I would be able to see her again. I don't know why she took a liking to me, but I wasn't going to complain.

Feeling fulfilled, I made my way toward Cael, linked our arms, and hopefully, gracefully took my exit with him by my side.

I had numerous questions to ask him, but that could wait.

''Were you enjoying yourself?'' I asked not looking at him to hide my smirk. I suppressed the urge to laugh.

"You already know the answer," he said in a laughing manner. "I shall even say I made it abundantly clear."

"Sorry, sorry, I had matters to settle."

"I saw, but what was the matter you had to settle with the little girl?"

"Oh, turns out the was my admirer. You should learn from her. She could teach you how to appreciate me." Now this was thrilling.

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