-Going deeper into Adira-

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Demigod's name: Adiraleise (Add-ee-ra-lee-se) Emmaline Lancaster (age: 13)

Artemis (mother, source of godly power, immortal)+ Phillip Lancaster (father, mortal)

*don't get angry for Artemis having children. I swear if you just give my book a chance, you'll love the children of Artemis and their storyline, I promise*

Corey Lancaster (22, older brother, graduated d-g)
Asher Lancaster (17, older sister, d-g)
Brett Lancaster (13, twin brother, d-g)
Brenna Lancaster (15, older sister, d-g)
Carlos Lancaster (16, oldest brother, d-g)
Noah Lancaster (14, older brother, d-g)
Mariana Lancaster (7, youngest sister, d-g, new to CHB)

Birthday: July 4th, year unclarrified.

•Advanced hearing, sight and smell
•Able to turn into any human being or animal (must be wearing her necklace that every child gains once born, but they can turn into an animal without it, just no control which animals),
•great at music (Artemis is the secondary goddess of Music),
•great with archery, knife throwing, swordsmanship, and anything that has to do with slaughtering,
•can absorb the moon's power, making her strongest at night,

Appearance: Her dad's dark brown hair, with natural blonde at the bottom, her Mom's Silver/ Yellow eyes, her Mom's beauty, looks younger than what she actually is, due to her mother's goddess trait.

Nicknames: Adira (main), Leaf Head, Twig Face, Emma, A.E., Lanaster, Miss. Lancaster, Daughter of the Virgin Goddess, The Chosen Child, The Girl in the Prophecy, Adie, Em, Eema.

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