09. Guiding

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1st POV

I waved to Chiron as he neared with Percy in tow

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I waved to Chiron as he neared with Percy in tow.

I had been playing around with dirt and mud, and it was under and all over my fingertips. I was surrounded by flowers and I had an half eaten apple in my hand, which a dryad had given to me. I was happy. I looked at Percy beside him, who awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Adiraleise," Chiron said, "I have masters' archery class at noon. Would you take Percy from here?" Chiron asked me, and I saluted. "Yes. Sure thing, Chiron," I smiled and he smiled back.

"Cabin Eleven. Make yourself at home," Chiron gestured towards the doorway.

Percy looked inside, as kids bowed towards Chiron, who watched over us for a second then left, as I put up a thumbs up. Once he left, kids stopped bowing and then began sizing Percy up. I knew this routine, and so did he. I nudged him, pushing him forward a tiny bit. "Own it," I said, smiling.

Naturally, Percy tripped when walking through the doorway, making an utterly and total fool of himself. But, I couldn't lie. It was funny. A few snickers occurred, but I brought my fingers to my lips, and whistled, catching everyone's attention. Percy scrunched his eyebrows, looking at me. "A hunting call Mom taught me. Comes in handy, don't you think?" I sarcastically asked. "Perseus Jackson, meet Cabin Eleven!" I said, raising my hand towards everyone.

"Regular or Undetermined?"

I looked at Percy, and he was confused so I just said it for him. "Undetermined."

Everyone let out groans and moans, but I just rolled my eyes. Luke walked over to me, and I knew him really well. He was a friend of Asher's and he was my first friend and person I met due to Camp Half Blood. "Now, now, campers. That's what we're here for. Welcome, Percy. You can have that spot on the floor, right over there."

"This... is Luke. He's your counselor for now, until you're claimed," I explained. "Claimed?" Percy asked. "You're undetermined," Luke patiently explained. "They don't know what cabin to put you in, so you're here. Cabin eleven takes all newcomers, all visitors. Naturally, we would. Hermes, our patron, is the god of travelers."

I looked over where Luke said to put Percy's nonexistent stuff, and I saw my little sister's blue and gold and red sleeping bag, she stood on top of it, putting it all together. "Mari?" I asked, wanting the young girl to come over.

"Adi!" she said, jumping into my arms, and I picked her up. "Hey Luke," Mari said, giggling and blushing, I rolled my eyes and laughed about it. "Sup lil' dude, what's up?" Luke asked, giving her a hug then a fistbump. "Jackson, this is my little sister, Mariana. She's also undetermined," I said, lifting her up.

"H-hi Mariana."

"Wassup, Percy. Adi's told me alot about you," Mariana said, and I covered her mouth with her hand.

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