Chapter 3: After the Afterparty

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What is happening to me?
I don't wanna live forever
I know I'll be living in vain
I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep calling your name
Until you come back home


"Celestine, I'm already at the dance floor, where are you?" the loud music around me was pounding.

"On the way to Silent Chaos, baby," she said on the phone as I drank my first tequila shot.

I met a few friends at the bar. Some I knew from school. Hell, even some of my teachers were there. I was just too observant to evade them.

"If it isn't the president of St, Patrick, who could it be?" Jack, a school varsity said.

"If it isn't the star player of St. Patrick, who could it be?" I replied to the question.

He was moving too close to me. I know I'm too flirty and all but this is not what I wanted. I do not like what's happening. He is way too touchy. He was inches away from kissing me and I wouldn't allow it even if he was widely known as a star player in the school, what the hell?

"Leila Raven!" Celestine's voice surfaced. Thank God she's finally here! Good riddance!

"Celestine!" I widened my eyes at her.

"Oh, hi!" Jack said.

"Ready for the rest of the night?" she asked me as she took me away from Jack.

"Of course, I am! I mean—who wouldn't be?" I said as I walked off with her, leaving Jack alone.

The night is still young, and the drinks are far from empty. But I know there is something else missing. I can feel it, but I can't seem to understand or even think of what it is. All I know is that there is something missing. Or maybe something I miss.

My surroundings felt like the whole world was spinning around. Oh, hell no! I'm going to have such a massive headache and hangover tomorrow.

"Twee mow shots, please!! Won for me, won for mi bestie, and... won mow for me!" I shouted at the bartender as Celestine laughed so hard at the way I spoke. I am really drunk, I know. But I want more. Maybe that is what's missing. More shots of Tequila.

I tried so hard to reach my phone at the back of my shorts pocket. After a few minutes, I made it. Oh, shit—my body feels numb, but I enjoy the feeling so much. I called the first number on my cellphone, not caring who it was. The call was answered right away.

"Leila," a guy answered on the other line.

"Oh my god—" I wretched as I couldn't take it in.

"Leila, are you okay? It looks like you're vomiting!" was all I could hear from the other end of the line. The next thing I knew the floor was soaked in vomit.

"Oh yeah, yeah, I jus did..." I said and the other person was saying something that I don't understand clearly.

"St--... er--... I--... om--..." the line just went off and Celestine took away my cell phone.

"Wey wey wey, wheyr the fucc are you bringin' mi cellfone?" I asked Celestine as I leaned on her to say it in her ears. I had to. The music was loud, and I could not even hear myself speaking.

What else could've happened? I can—I can't take it anymore...

The next thing I saw was the strobe of the light in my direction and everything else went black.

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