Chapter 4: Bittersweet Hereafter

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You gave me a shoulder when I needed it
You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it
You helped me fight when I was giving in
And you made me laugh when I was losing it


TW: physical abuse

I woke up with a massive headache on the sofa. Ugh, another day. My head was still spinning, and I don't know how I got home last night. Was I with Celestine? I'm pretty sure. Where the hell is my phone? Oh, it's right there at the corner of the table. Where was Celestine's number? Oh, right there. Why is there a glass of lemon sitting halfway full? Where is everybody? What time is it?

"Hey bitch, what's up?" I greeted her.

"Good morning bitch, I'm going to school," she said while I hear background noises of cluttering things on her end.

"Ugh—do we really have to go?" because I need to make sure that she's going.

"Yeah, especially you—darling," she reminded me.

"Ugh, okay!" I had no choice but to get up and get ready.

"I'll be there in 5," she hangs up the phone.

As usual, I woke up with my parents gone. They are always at work, yet they blame me for not having time together to bond. I know that's not right. Hell, there's leftover breakfast at the table so what do they think I will do to that? Clean it? Oh hell no. I'd rather go to school with my hangover than do the dishes.

"Fuck this house," slamming the door behind me, Celestine's just arrived.

"Hey bitch," Celestine greeted.

"Hey bitch, thanks for bringing me home last night," I played with her hair and put my arm around her.

"Oh, no—don't thank me. I wasn't the one who took you home," she smiled at me.

"Then who did?" WHO FUCKING DID?!

"Guess," she said as we started walking to school.

"Oh—was it... Jack?" I asked, still not knowing the answer.

"Guess again," she said as she looked as far as she can.

"I don't recall meeting anybody at the bar last night," I was clearly thinking straight.

"No but you can do this, go and guess again," Celestine said.

"Ugh—I give up, tell me who! Spill me the deets because I'm dying to know, and you can tell!" I lost my patience.

"It was..." she looked at me, eyes wide open.

"Finn," we both said in the chorus as we entered the gates of the school.

"But he wasn't at the bar?" I was thinking of a scenario last night of seeing him, but I still do not recall.

"Miss ma'am, you made him go there yourself," she laughed.

"WAIT, WHAT? I DID? HOW?" I was confused.

"Yes, you did, and I know exactly what happened, but we are going to be late for class if I start telling you everything, so I should save the story for later, maybe for lunch?" she said very fast and in excitement and I just looked at her.

"Oh, miss ma'am—you're going to go down later," wait, did something happen last night that I was not aware of? Or was she just kidding me? Celestine can be a real jerk sometimes. This could be one of her many pranks to pull off.

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