chapter 2

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myoga yua; a freshman and — in daiyu's eyes — absolute nuisance.

she was a pale girl, and rather tall for her age. yua carried herself with confidence, and didn't take shit from anybody.

with her sharp features, plump lips and freckles, she attracted the eyes of many people in school— boys and girls alike.

„the fuck happened to you?"

also, she had a pretty foul mouth, not giving a damn about etiquette and manners, despite her high status.

but out of all the girls daiyu was friends with, that japanese little devil was the one she was closest with, and not only because they were roommates.

„professor... confronted... ha-had to run..." daiyu tried to explain, still catching her breath.

a small ‚ah' left the younger girl's lips, before she redirected her attention to the food in front of her.

„it's jjajangmyeon, hurry up or there'll be none left."

that seemed to get daiyu back in shape. she dashed to grab a tray and stand in the line.

there were very few things in the cafeteria that tasted well, and jjajangmyeon was definitely the best one of them all.

usually, the cooks would mess around and experiment with western dishes and recipes they should probably stop using, but their black bean noodles just never missed.

by the time daiyu arrived back at the table, there were four other girls sitting at the table with yua.

them, plus jieun, were daiyu's (not so) little group of girls.

the eldest was park haeun, a senior at the school. she was calm and soft-spoken, and the only other electricity shifter of the group.

then there was jo ara, haeun's roommate— a thrid year student who shifted weather.

ahn hyewon was a water shifter in daiyu's year. after yua, she was probably her closest friend.

and of course there was seon-ok, who also controlled water.

yua, haeun, ara and hyewon all had bowls of jjajangmyeon in front of them, which they were not-so-elegantly slurping.

only seon-ok wasn't having any, and was instead searching for something in her bag.

„no noodles?" ara asked. the girl in question shook her head.

„no noodles. mom really picked the best day to send me lunch."

hye snorted. „don't be a brat, at least she makes time to cook you something herself. i don't think i've ever tasted my mom's cooking in my whole life."

„dude, i know we're all somewhat rich, but no one but you has three personal maids per person and a cooking-team of fifteen people at home. if my parents could afford that, i'm sure mom would have never even stepped inside the kitchen either." yua argued teasingly, but there was some truth behind her words.

hyewon was an heiress to the nation's representative water shifting-family. they were a classic old-money family, making her probably the richest person in school.

and in a place like the one they were living in, wealth equaled power.

„quit the fighting. seon-ok, i'll gladly have some of your lunch, and you can have half of my jjajangmyeon."
of course, haeun was the one to step in. this was the way she always acted, but you'd be surprised to know how much of a dirty and disturbing mind the seemingly innocent girl had.

„ah, look at our haeun, always so kind and well-behaved..."

ara dramatically sighed, and slumped against daiyu who was sitting to her right on the bench.

she had a hand placed on her forehead, as if recreating a fainting scene in an old movie.

daiyu was quick to play along. „oh yes, how worried i am about our lovely haeun... such a pure soul, meant to be corrupted by this ugly and cruel world!" the chinese girl cried out, making a few people turn around and give them weird looks.

haeun could only burry her face in her hands in embarrassment and whine; „why are you like this?"

but that only made her friends laugh.

„oh, lovely haeun, why so sombre and mournful on this truly delightful day!?" yua decided to join the game.

„but on a different note," seon-ok interrupted. „the one who actually is, or well, was, acting mournful today is dai. she lost a kahoot."

hyewon started laughing. „is that why seongchul said that you were looking like you had murder on your mind while running through the hallways before?"

seon-ok nodded enthusiastically— way too enthusiastically considering the situation, but that was just how she was.

„yeah, though that was probably more because she almost got into trouble with our history prof again. but anyway— it's funny, jieun got last place and wasn't bothered, while this one was crying over 2nd."

haeun sighed. „you can't compare daiyu to jieun though."

next to her, jo ara nodded in agreement. „yeah, jieun isn't even bothered by failing a subject, why would she care about a kahoot. we all know that girl just wants to get out of here, marry jeno and live off taking pictures of trees and pretty flowers."

„sounds pretty boring to me." the youngest of them chimed in.

„maybe that's because you somehow manage to almost get yourself killed every two to three business days." daiyu deadpanned.

hyewon shook her head at her friend. „yeah yua, you do realise some of us like peace?"

but the girl just shrugged with a small smile, putting her headphones back on her head and scrolling trough the phone that seemed to be physically attached to her hand from how much she used it.

ara seemed to have thought just that as she muttered; „such an addict, i swear i've never seen her without that thing..."

„uh... guys?" daiyu said, catching the girl's (minus yua) attention. "does this belong to any of you?"

she placed a black leather wallet on the table.

daiyu was going to take her water bottle from her bag, when she noticed the foreign object.

"huh, no. where'd you find it?"

"don't know, it was in my bag." she replied.

haeun —who was seemingly the only one in possession of a functional brain— had an idea. "look inside of it. there must be an ID or something, right?" she suggested, and daiyu did as told.

when she took out the card that she recognised as a chinese resident ID, she had an unexpected, but familiar face stare back at her.

that's his? how the fuck did that even get in my bag?

"you thief!"



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