chapter 16

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daiyu liked routines.

she liked order, and she liked knowing exactly what expected her. maybe that was why when combatting, she focused a lot on countering that.

ironically, she had made a bit of a name for herself in school with those unpredictable attacks and strategies, when in her life, everything always had to be expected.

so since her life was built up on routines and patterns, wednesdays were always the same for her.

she would wake up, go to school for four hours, eat lunch with her friends in the cafeteria, head to art class and then chemistry.

after school, she would walk to the post office of the nearby town to ship a letter to her father.

that would usually not take longer than half an hour.

then, she'd go back to school to study a bit and have dinner with yua in their room.

showering and skincare was next, and then, she would either read or watch some dramas before falling asleep.

nothing out of this world, right?

well it turned out that this particular wednesday, daiyu wasn't able to stick to her routine.

first, she didn't go to school, meaning she didn't eat lunch in the cafeteria either.

instead, she stayed at home, cried a little, read the article the school paper had written about the vlog-disaster and then cried a bit more.

daiyu felt miserable, so after yua checked up on her during lunch break, she decided that it was time to finally get up and clean herself up a little.

the rest of the day was spend with brain-storming and thinking of ways to bring things back to normal.

although there didn't seem to be many options.

daiyu thought of publicly apologising and claiming that it was joke. she could post that on the vlog too.

but that — as well as all the other ideas that came to her mind — all seemed pretty forced.

around 5 pm, yua came back, and sitting at the japanese girl's desk, the two were slowly starting to lose hope, coming to the conclusion that they might just have to leave things the way they were and wait for the students to forget about it.

daiyu would definitely have to try and apologise to chenle again though.

it was 6 pm — the time daiyu would leave for the post office.

yua knew that, so daiyu left without further ado.

sometimes, she would take the bike, but she was really in no hurry that day.

in fact, it was great being able to clear your mind while walking.

the walk to the office only took her around ten minutes, and she quickly payed for the shipping expenses.

writing to her father was a bit tricky, but that didn't necessarily mean that she would stop doing it.

she just had to use fake names for both him and herself, and a fake adress for herself.

since he was on the run from the government — or at least that's what daiyu was told —, his adress would change almost every week, but haoyu would leave his next hiding place on his previous letter — usually through hidden messages.

they had been doing that for four years now — ever since he was exposed to the higher up's.

daiyu often wondered if she was doing the wrong thing. not only had her father betrayed their country and with that endangered the whole population, but the fact that he was disloyal to not only his employers, but also his (ex-)wife only made it worse.

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