chapter 65

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"are you out of your mind? you do realise that you're just playing with that girl's heart, don't you? i saw the expression on her face, it was definitely not 'nothing' to her!"

yeah so, to chenle's dismay, kun (who he had completely forgotten about) had passed by him and daiyu during the last part of their conversation.

and if he thought jisung's scolding had been annoying, he really wasn't up for what kun had in store.

"do you really not like her?"

despite knowing the answer already, kun still asked.

the first time he had seen the girl with chenle back in the convenience store, he definitely didn't think that the pair looked like anything more than friends -- he just liked testing chenle's limits.

the only funny thing to him was the nickname his younger friend called her by.

but the two teens seemed to have forgotten about kun being on campus for his practical training.

he'd often see the two at lunch, and very much also noticed when they weren't talking to eachother.

yet it wasn't until the day when daiyu and chenle managed to distract the group he was trying to train by running around the training field and screaming like complete morons that it dawned on him.

even though it would be perfectly normal for friends to act the way they did, that was how chenle would act if he liked someone a lot.

he was affectionate in his own way, but definitely not one to act all lovey-dovey with a partner — especially not in public.

and if kun's assumptions about the two second year students had been right, daiyu seemed to perfectly match chenle's character.

"it's none of your business. we're better off this way."

"chenlethis is the most unnecessarily dramatic thing i've ever heard you say! why push her away if she obviously likes you?"

chenle was glad that the older boy had pushed him into an empty classroom to talk, or else the whole school would know about his problems now.

"that's where you're wrong! she doesn't like me."

with his arms crossed over his chest, kun raised an eyebrow.

"mhm? and how would you know?"

"i know her a lot better than you, kun."

he couldn't believe that he was trying to tell him how daiyu felt, as if he hadn't only just seen her for the second time in his life that day.

"chenle, just answer me do you like her?"

that was really the final stroke.

"and what if i do?! i'm better off being friends with her. if i push the feelings away for long enough, i'll get over it just as fast as i got over hyewon! you don't have to get involved."

finally accepting that there was no point of trying to talk some sense into the boy, kun shook his head.

"do whatever you like, then. you'll learn it the hard way."


"hey pumpkin!"

lunch break was almost over, and despite having eaten at a separate table with the rest of his friends, chenle wanted to say hi to daiyu real quick.

though the crestfallen expression on her face took him by surprise.

at the sound of his voice, her head shot up, and she looked around. her slightly glossy eyes met his own.

'this can't be because of me... right?'

the idea was quickly pushed to the back of his mind, where it probably would stay for a long time.

"oh, hi chenle. what's up?"

he sat down next to her.

"i just wanted to ask if you wanted to stop by the library with me later. for the sanguinaria stuff, you know?"

he figured that maybe she hadn't told her friends much or anything at all about the topic, so she could just play it off as some biology research or something if he didn't straight-up say 'blood shifter'.

but then again, he didn't know if any of them spoke mandarin anyway.

before answering, chenle saw daiyu share a long glance with her japanese friend.

'did she tell her about the kiss? is that why she's hesitating?'


he flashed her a smile, also making sure that it reached yua. maybe that would make the glare she was staring through his soul with get a little less intimidating.

"great! your last class is english, right? i'll pick you up by your classroom then!"

she nodded — with a lot less enthusiasm than he was hoping for.

"yeah. see you then."


so, you acutally never got to know what happened that evening daiyu walked in on yua making out with some rando.

because right after taking the pictures she desperately wanted, yua wriggled the boy's arms off of her, looking him dead in the eye.

"that's it. thanks for this though. you'll find the way out on your own, right?"

'damn, yua. go easy on him.'

daiyu felt really bad for the boy as he watched him walk out of their dorm, shoulders slouched.

"wow. you didn't have to kick him out because of me, you know?"

the younger girl just shrugged.

"it's not like it was anything serious, don't worry. he'll get over it. you're a lot more important anyway."

"yua, what about his feelings? you can't just use him like that and throw him to the side once you get bored."

yua furrowed her brows. that was the first time daiyu was meddling that much with something morally wrong that she did.

"daiyu... did something happen? did you get rejected by someone?"

it was just a random thought that had popped up in her head, and she surely hadn't expected daiyu not to answer.

her eyes widened in realisation.

"was it chenle?"

and then, the tears finally started flowing.


gawd damn idk who to feel bad for

but chenle is so dumb (in the story ofc i love my boy irl)

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