chapter 28

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by now, it's common knowledge that daiyu hates chemistry and history and loves training days the most, but actually, there's more to it.

there was yet another subject that she hated almost as much as the first two mentioned.

that being none other than physics.

now the reason for that wasn't because she was bad at it — if anything, her grades were above average.

there also wasn't an extremely annoying teacher that made her hate the subject.

it was really the mere fact that it was the only class she didn't share with any of her friends. she had never talked to anybody in the class before, and even now, the only interactions she has had were strictly business and school-project related.

so when someone approached her out of the blue to ask if they could sit next to her, daiyu was baffled to say the least.

"hi there! is that seat still free? i kinda just transferred here this school year and don't know anyone here anyway."

a boy of average height stood at her desk, pointing at the chair next to her.

he was — obviously — wearing the NSOE uniform, and had his raven hair styled in a slight mullet.

(don't search it up lol the results are definitely not what i'm referring to. but i'm assuming y'all know what a mullet is.)

overall, daiyu would say that he was fairly attractive.

happy to finally have someone to talk to, she kindly offered him the seat.

once he was settled in his place, he turned to her.

"so... i haven't gotten your name yet?" the boy flashed her a smile.

"oh, right! i'm zhao daiyu, electricity shifter. and you?"

a giggle left her mouth, though she couldn't really tell why.

"i'm seonwoo, nice to meet you. also, i shift weather."

an 'oh' of admiration left her mouth. she was quite familiar with weather shifting powers, as her friend ara did that.

talking with seonwoo was fairly easy. he seemed to have a bubbly, bright personality and naturally extroverted character.

though physics didn't seem to be his forte. but who was daiyu to judge.

also, it gave them something more to talk about, and with daiyu helping him out in class, they considered eachother as friends by the end of the class.

the two packed up their things and walked out of the classroom together, still immersed in a conversation.

"i had fun today. sit next to me next week too?" daiyu wasn't one to beat around the bush a lot. not when she was comfortable, at least.

"sure!" seonwoo beamed at her. "actually, can i get your number?"

at his equally bold move, daiyu quickly typed in her number into the phone he was offering her.

she saved the new contact as 'daiyu :)' and then gave it back.

"okay then, i should get going. see you around!"

with a wave and a wink, he turned around and walked off, leaving daiyu behind with her eyebrows raised.

'was he flirting with that wink or am i just not used to male attention?'

"and they still say you pull the least of your group."

"shut up donghyuck."

the boy was leaning on her shoulder, gaze fixed on the guy that was gradually starting to disappear in the crowd.

"how's your wrist? shit girl, i really don't know how you manage. first you almost get expelled over some dumb fight with a teacher, and the next day you're laying in the infirmary, half dead."

'that's the thing, hyuck. i don't manage shit, or else i wouldn't be in this position.'

that was what she actually wanted to say to him, but instead she went for something less personal.

"you get used to it, i guess. now tell me, do they really say that about me?"

not like she cared a lot, but when it came to gossip about herself, daiyu wasn't that up-to-date.

"huh?" donghyuck made a face, not understanding what the girl was getting at.

"that i pull the least."

"oh, that. yeah, no. i made that up. but i do think so, personally."

with her 'un-casted' arm she punched his shoulder, making sure to send just enough electricity into his body for it to feel uncomfortable.

"ew, what the hell. remind me to never touch you again."

"or you could just stop being annoying, you stinky wet sock."

the boy just laughed, rubbing the spot she had punched him.

"never. my personality is top-tier, not annoying. besides, mom said not to change myself for anyone."

"oh would you look at that! i think i see seon-ok over there. gotta blast. see you around, hyuck!"

and then she was off.

was it a lame ass excuse? absolutely. and somehow, the universe decided to side with daiyu that day, as seon-ok actually came walking out of one of the classrooms in the hallway where she was talking with donghyuck.

"hey! kim seon-ok! wait for me!"


new character alert🚨

thoughts on the newcomer?

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