chapter 38

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remember when daiyu and chenle set up the schedule for their vlog?

it looked like this:

month 1: 2 videos, one every two weeks

month 2: same as month 1

month 3: 1 video (midterm exams coming up)

month 4 : 1 video

now with everything else happening around them, the two had completely forgotten that they were in month three already, a new episode calling.

so in daiyu's dorm they were, canned drinks in hand.

as usual, the duo was sat on the floor, discussing the plan for their video blog.

"why don't you do the intro for once?" chenle dared to ask.

he wasn't serious about the question, but annoying daiyu just happened to be one of his favourite activities — despite their agreement of peace.

"ha, in your dreams. you insisted on doing it the first time, so now you'll stick to it."

"but that's unfair. i'm doing a lot more work for this already!" he complained, not satisfied with her calm response.

daiyu on the other hand, knew exactly what the boy was trying to do, so she remained composed, warmly smiling at him.

"i know that, and i'm very thankful."

to add to the effect, she placed her hand on his — which was just laying there on the ground — in an endearing manner.

chenle slightly flinched at her touch.

'...what is this?'

while he too, was trying to keep his composure, he felt his face growing hot.

'dear lord, please tell me i'm not blushing or some shit.'

and all of that just because she was touching his hand.

but the moment ended just as quickly as it had started.

at the lack of a response from the boy, daiyu had grown nervous and retracted her hand.

trying to ease the tension, chenle stood up.

"do you have food?"

"of course we do, dummy."

he really thought that they were that unorganised, huh? as if his dorm wasn't the one looking like a whole ass bomb site.

to prove him wrong, she got up too and approached their fridge.

but after taking a look inside, daiyu went real quiet.

"so... we might have forgotten about grocery shopping lately?"

leaning against the kitchen counter, chenle burst out laughing.

"alright then, let's go grocery shopping."

daiyu raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"right now? don't we have to film the vlog?"

he shrugged.

"the vlog can wait. my hunger on the other hand, can't."

and just like that, the two were out of the school's campus, headed towards the nearest convenience store.

which quite obviously was located in the very same town daiyu had gotten assaulted.

though chenle seemed to have misjudged the girl's reaction to that.

"are you nervous?"

he asked as they were walking.

in fact, he even contemplated on taking her hand as a sign of comfort.

he decided against it though, considering the little moment the pair had back in daiyu's dorm.

a move like that would've only made the already slightly awkward atmosphere worse.

daiyu didn't quite know what the boy was asking her about.

"what do you mean? what would i be nervous about? shopping?"

that was probably supposed to make chenle laugh, but the boy was dead serious.

"no, i just mean because last time you were in town... you know?"

that's right. daiyu didn't go back there ever since the incident, though more than a month had passed now. instead, she had just asked one of her friends to deliver the letters for her father whenever she knew that one of them was going out.

"oh that. nah, i'm chill. besides, you're with me, right?"

she flashed him a blinding smile, making him not really know how to react.

a part of him was beaming back at her, the other one felt like hiding in a hole because of the embarrassment he was feeling.

'does she really think that way?'

"i guess you do."

it was funny how every time they were put into an uncomfortable situation, something got in between.

sometimes it was just themselves.

but this time, it was their arrival at the convenience store.

daiyu had a lot of experience with groceries.

during the previous year, she had had the dorm all to herself, as yua only just entered NSOE that school year.

back then, she couldn't even share the chores woth someone like she did now and had to do everything by herself.

now she wasn't too sure about how well chenle navigated himself through grocery shopping, but she would just have to wait and see.


guess who's on a trip again?😁

lmao this is slowly becoming my online-diary :)

but i'll only be away for one day this time, with my bsf, her bf, and my other very good friend slash potential love-interest since i was like twelve lmao. and i was twelve a really really long time ago.

bc of the whole concert situation you've probably guessed that i live near germany, right? so idk if you've ever heard of europapark, but that's where were going. i haven't been there since i was nine, so i'm super excited!🥺

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