chapter 4

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chenle yelled out, completely disturbed to see someone holding his wallet — open. and to top it off, that person was sitting at the same table as the girl that could not under any circumstances know what was in that wallet.

"thief? excuse me? this was in my bag, i didn't even know it was yours!"

the girl had turned around, and chenle's jaw dropped.

"it's you? oh my god, that only gives you more of a reason to steal it. you found out, didn't you? you know what's in there, and you got jealous, so you decided to steal it to humiliate me!"

everyone was looking at them, though most students did not understand anything that was going on.

"is that chenle?"
"daiyu stole something? she wouldn't!"
"i always thought she was a bit shady, especially since her father... you know..."

"i didn't steal it! i told you i found it in my bag, but i didn't put it in there!"

but the boy still didn't want to believe her. "quit lying! especially after what you did today, you think i wouldn't know it was you?"

the girl — daiyu? — furrowed her brows. "what did i do today?"

"what did you... huh? you were staring at me in history, that's what you did! you're in love with me, aren't you? that's why you took my wallet, because there's a letter for hyewon in there."

"i- what? are you a narcissist? just take your fucking wallet and leave, you're making a scene!"

daiyu threw the wallet over to him, it hitting his chest before falling to the floor. she sat back down, but did look up to him one last time.

"and don't you dare blame me for the whole school knowing about your little crush now. i was going to give that back to you without looking at anything except your ID- you brought this upon yourself."

only then did it start to dawn on chenle, that he really did just say — for everyone in the cafeteria to hear — that he had letters for ahn hyewon in his wallet.

anxiety started creeping up in him, and he felt the urge to leave the hall a soon as possible, which was right at that moment.

chenle picked up his wallet from the floor, before running out of the door he had just entered through as if the devil was behind him.

some may think that it was childish of him to do so, but the boy could really not care less.

his pride was hurt, and he knew that his feelings too, were about to be.

despite having written the letter, he had no intentions of giving it to ahn hyewon anytime soon. everything that chenle wanted at that moment was to disappear.

maybe he should move to another city? country? and changing his name sounded good too.

he sat down on a bench in the school garden and kept his head low, elbows propped up on his knees and hands running through his hair in exasperation. a groan of frustration left his lips.

did she really not steal the wallet? why would she have it then...?

it wasn't like their bags looked similar enough for him to have put it there himself on accident or anything.

the girl really didn't seem like she was lying, but how else would the wallet have gotten there?

chenle was brought back to reality by a tap on his shoulder.

annoyed, he turned his head around, absolutely ready to curse out whoever disrupted his thoughts.

"what? oh- it's you."

out of all people...

the other person nodded. "yup. anyways — you left this behind."

she held a folded piece of paper in front of his face. his eyes widened as he realised what it was and he roughly ripped it out of her fingers.

"..." chenle hesitated. "...thanks, i guess."

the girl hummed, surprising him by sitting down next to him on the bench. she wasn't even doing anything, just staring into the distance.

still, chenle was getting annoyed. "care to leave me alone?"

his tone would have scared most people off- although he wasn't usually like that - but this girl just had the audacity to shake her head.

"no can do, mr zhong."

then, an awkward silence broke out. chenle didn't want to say anything, and daiyu just really didn't know what to say to him.

but that didn't mean that she would keep quiet.

"sooo, hyewonie, huh? you know, if you need help winning her over, you can always ask me. though i'm not sure if you'll need the help, she knows now an-"

"hey, daiyu, right? i really just want to be alone right now, and if you haven't noticed- you're making that pretty hard for me. in fact, you're really pissing me off, but that was probably your intention. so maybe you could do me a favour and fucking leave? also, i do not need your or anyone's help winning her over. you've caused enough damage as it is."

he cut off her rant with a much, much longer sermon, letting out a sigh after. chenle was glad to have let that out, while daiyu wasn't necessarily pleased.

"alright chill, i actually came to apologise — though i didn't do anything wrong and am therefore innocent — but if you want to be a bitch, then so be it. have a terrible day!" she said, swiftly getting up to leave.

as she was walking away, chenle could swear he heard her say something, but at the same time, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know what it was.


"and? did she get in trouble?"

"no sir, none of the higher ups were even notified."

the older man's gaze darkened. "so you failed?" he questioned, making the guy in front of him uncomfortably shift in his seat.


"i asked you something, don't you think it's a bit rude not to answer?" he leaned closer to the younger boy, not liking his behaviour at all.

"or maybe you want me to punish you again? who shall it be this time, since your beloved sister is now gone?"

that seemed to be enough for the young male. he swallowed all of his pride, before answering.

"yes sir. i failed. i promise to do better next time, but i'll have you know that it wasn't a complete failure, as she now seems to have some bad blood with the young zhong. with the power these people hold, there's a high probability that she will still be out of there soon."

the older one snorted, almost amused by the boy's words.

"fine. but one more slip up and you're done for, kim."


why is chenle so pressed lol

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