chapter 40

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daiyu awkwardly stood there as chenle hugged 'kun'.

"i'm literally training people at your school! didn't renjun tell you? or mark?"

'he's training NSOE students? damn, he must be pretty good then.'

chenle excitedly shook his head.

"nobody did. but it's great to see you."

kun nodded. "you too. i never thought i'd see the day where you go grocery shopping and start acting your age."

it was obvious that he didn't mean his words, but daiyu couldn't help giggling.

unfortunately for her, that made kun's head turn around in her direction.

a look of disbelief made its way to his face.

"chenle! you promised to tell me if you ever got a girlfriend!"

the younger male shared a panicked look with daiyu, trying to warn her, but it was too late. kun had already approached her with a curious look.

"hi! my name is kun. what's your name?" kun spoke in korean and chenle looked like he wanted to disappear.

"don't even bother, kun. she's chinese."

what daiyu originally thought would startle the man (or boy, she couldn't guess his age, no matter how hard she tried), only made him cheer up more — if that was even possible.

before he could speak up again though, she found it to be more polite to finally introduce herself.

"i'm zhao daiyu and most definitely not his girlfriend. nice to meet you."

she firmly shook the hand he offered her, and then diverted her attention back to what she had been placing in the shopping cart, trying to keep herself distracted.

"that's what they always say, but whatever. as i said, i'm qian kun, an old family friend of chenle's. i studied at NSOE too, and am currently studying to be a trainer there. that's why i joined this program where i work with promising light-shifters."

she nodded politely, wondering if he was expecting her to tell him such things about herself too.

luckily, zhong chenle came to the rescue and quickly interrupted the phrase kun had already begun.

"so, how long are you staying here?"

'did he see how uncomfortable i was?'

for the second time that day, daiyu's heart beat a little faster at the thought of him. or just of something he did.

she walked back over to the spices for no particular reason. really, she just wanted to get away form there.

keeping an eye on the two, daiyu could see chenle getting all flustered about something kun was telling him.

'what could he possibly have said? surely it's something about us dating.'

qian kun seemed like a great guy. he looked kind, well-mannered, and bright, and chenle seemed very happy around him.

daiyu liked that; seeing him happy and surrounded by good people.

of course his other friends were great too. and as a firm believer that one's friends tell you more about a person than they themselves ever could, she took it as a good sign.

"are you looking for something in particular? i thought you had chosen spices already."

she wasn't sure when chenle had approached her, but he sure as hell scared the crap out of her.

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