Manifest 2

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“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” --MLK

The smell of fear and hate... It's almost the only thing you can smell around this city, apart from the blood that fills the sewers. This place is dark, gloomy, and depressing, and you wont find much else outside the city. I just wish someone could bring the world back to life.

Nate: So how much farther till we get to the castle?

Cart: It's not necessarily a castle kid we're not back in the mid-evil day's, although those were the good ole days.

Nate: "Shush" I don't need to hear another one of your old war stories...

Cart: I thought you liked them!?

Nate: Not really... So where are we taking the girl to?

Cart: To an island just off shore. The Wolf King is worried that the vampires may be targeting his daughter so that no one can be heir when he dies.

Nate: That's unusual the wolves normally have more than one kid per litter.

Cart: Yeah well I guess ole Orion didn't have much baby juice in 'em...

Nate: I suppose...

Cart: Look! There's the place.

As we turned the corner what I saw was almost foreign to my eyes. There were almost 30 mansion-like homes, all surrounding one Mansion that almost looked endless. I had only seen this once before when I was young.

Cart: Still just as amazing as the last time I saw it...

Nate: I was thinking the same thing.

As we pulled up to the home and got out of the car I could smell so much friendliness it was unbelievable. But then I realized It was only because I was around alot of half my own kind. But then that oh-so welcoming stench of hatred rushed in. I could tell it was towards Carter.

We proceeded to the front door flashing our badges to bypass the security. When we finally made it to the main home I could see a small figure in the window but as soon as I blinked it was gone. I pay no mind to it but can assume I'm going to meet quite the character... We ring the bell and are welcomed by "Orion The Wolf King" himself.

Orion: Welcome PeaceKeepers, I would hope that you made it here with no problems.

Carter: No problems at all your Majesty.

Orion: Good well, I would like to talk over a bit of breakfast... Interested?

Nate: Well I am pretty hungry.

Carter: No, we're here on business Nathan.

Orion: I'm sure it wouldn't hurt Carter.

Carter: Fine.

We walk down the longest hallway known to the world as Orion points out and describes each painting we walk by. You would think a king with so many loyal subjects couldn't get lonely. But it seems that way... We eventually make it to the dining room and sit down for breakfast. Which for Orion and I was a whole raw stuffed chicken, and for Carter a bowl of boiled sheep's blood.

Orion: I imagine we don't need to go into too many details with the job. I pay you half now and the other half after my daughter is safely on the island.

Cart: Yes your Majesty. I assure you there is no better team than the Kid and I.

Orion: I hope your right, because if anything happens to her, I'll have your heads for a breakfast just like this one.

At that moment the tension in the air thickened so much you could choke on it. Not even mention the odd feeling of being watched.

Orion: HaHaHa, I'm joking! I'm sure the job will go on with out a single setback.

Cart: Still the same dark sense of humor huh?

Orion: I didn't frighten you did I? HAHA!

Nate: So where's the girl?

Orion: She should be in the garden. Let's find her now.

Oddly for a King Orion likes doing alot of things on his own when he could have one hundred servants at his knees...

We walk out to the backyard and into the garden. Suddenly I feel a great weight lift off of my shoulders as if I didn't have a care in the world anymore. Then I saw her, Long white hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could take any pain, Physical or Mental, away from the person she was looking at. And that person at that time happened to be me. How could a kid so young posses such power?

Orion: Amai honey, come.

Amai: Yes daddy?

Orion: These are the 2 men that are going to be taking you to the island.

Amai: Why do I have to go to the island again daddy?

Orion: Because it's not very safe here, the Vampires are getting smarter...

Amai: What about you daddy?

Orion: I'll be fine, you don't think a few silly vampires could challenge a King do you?

Amai: Well no...

Orion: I'll visit you and Aunt Mia in a few day's, I promise!

Amai: Ok... I love you daddy!

She gives him a hug. Then the smell of worry fills the air. He turns to talk to us.

Orion: On the Island you'll meet my sister Mia, she's going to be watching over her until the war cools off or until Amai is old enough to be on her own.

Nate: Don't worry your Majesty, your daughter is safe with us.

Orion: I know. Nathan may I speak with you in private? Carter go with Amai to get her bags please.

Carter: Yes your Majesty

As they walk off I begin to feel my senses drop back onto my head, as if the weights of my past are put back on my shoulders...

Orion: I assume you felt it..?

Nate: Felt what?

Orion: The power of influence she had upon you.

Nate: Yeah, what was that?

Orion: It's the gift she was born with. She can make any being bend to her will all simply by touching them.

Nate: But she didn't touch me.

Orion: I know. You have a special connection with her. And I knew you would. I picked you for this job for a reason. If in any case something happens to me... Can I trust you to protect my daughter, as if she was your own flesh and blood?

Nate: That's a big responsibility your Majesty, I'm honored that you would ask but, I don't know if I could do it...

He begins to become disappointed, I can smell it all over him.

Orion: There's a reason I chose you Nathan. You'll learn why soon enough.

We walk off towards the car where Carter and Amai are waiting. Before I get in Orion stops me.

Orion: I'm counting on you Nathan.

Nate: There's nothing to worry about your majesty...

I smile at him to give him reassurance and I get in. Amai is in the back seat playing her VideoBoy handheld game. And as I look back to see if she's buckled in she glances up and I get this feeling of carelessness again. I don't know what's up with this little girl but she's welcome company in my book...

Cart: Ready to go?

Amai & I: YEP!

We look at each other and laugh a bit.

Cart: Next stop "Lycan Island".

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