Back To Work

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Love with a love that is more than love.-- Edgar Allen Poe--

After that annoying waste of time, I decided to head back to PKC and report on what happened to Matthew he was pretty pissed that I went out like that, just for revenge. And he told me he was a bit disappointed but whatever he's not my father. In the middle of the lecture he was giving me I could smell a strong emotion of happiness rushing toward the us. And there's a knock on the door.

Matt: Come in!

Amai rushes in with a HUGE smile on her face and yells.

Amai: Nate I've been looking everywhere for you! It's Carter, HE'S AWAKE!

Nate: Really! Sir may I be excused?

Matt: *Sighs* Go on... But I'm not done with you!

Amai and I rush to the Medical Center of the PKC, and there he is sitting on the edge of his bed, as if nothing ever happened.

Nate: You're up!

Carter: Yeah...

Amai: How do you feel?

Cart: Fine, I'm well rested that's for sure... How long was I out?

Nate: About a day or 2.

Cart: Really?! That must've been one hell of a bomb... I should have been right back up after a minute or so. Maybe I'm getting old...

 The head doctor from before walked in with a report on what they think happened to carter hopefully we can finally get some answers

Joseph: On the contrary carter, you're very healthy... The reason you took so long to recover was because that bomb had Wolfs Bane in it. We found some on your skin when you were brought here.

Cart: Wolf's Bane?

Jo: Yes it's a chemical that is extremely toxic to WereWolves and can have some side affects to vampires as well... 

Nate: So chemical warfare huh?

She really did intend on killing Amai,... That whore... That makes me want to rip her to peices... Luckily Amai didn't get hit by that explosion.

Jo: At any rate, the flower that wolfs bane comes from used to be very rare, but know'a days you can find huge Meadows of it at the base of most mountains. As a flower it's harmless but when the chemical is extracted it can cause some serious damage. I would deduct that the person that did this to you probably has ALOT more of it.

Nate: Thank you Doctor.

Jo: No problem... I'll be taking my leave now...

The doctor leaves and shuts the door behind him. There's something the three of us need to discuss...

Nate: Carter, do you know what the "Blood Moon" is?

When I said those words the mood seemed to change to something far darker than before as if the sun was eclipsed by the moon, casting a shadow of night in the daytime.

Cart: Well, when I first heard it from Leon I thought nothing of it... The blood moon is an old legend from back when I was in my younger days... So you can understand why I didn't take it seriously.

Amai: What's the legend?

Cart: It was said that one night, that a full moon would rise and it would cast a deep red color over the night. This natural anomaly would give full power to WereWolves because of the full moon and Make the vampires much more feral and blood thirsty. It's said that in that single night the war would end and the world would be reborn. Why the curiosity about old folk-tales?

Nate: Because I've heard it from multiple people, Leon and that whore who put you in here her name is Milleena by the way...

Cart: Yeah fuck her, I can't wait to meet her and give her a bullet to the skull... But there's nothing to worry about it's just an old worn out tale... In the almost 1,000 years I've been alive nothing like it has happened...

I want to believe Carter but the sent I smell on him is a bit unsure... I know he's hiding something but I hesitate to ask and move on. then there's an awkward silence that's almost frightening...

Amai: Uhhh Come on Nate, you promised me that you'd take me to the movies...

Nate: What? No I......

Then she grabs my arm and looks into my eyes, immediately I'm swayed to do as she says.. However I'm not sure if I was influenced by her power or maybe something else...

Nate: OK...

We leave carter to rest but I can't take my mind off of the blood moon.I'm really aching for answers and I'm going to get them! One way or another!


So sorry for taking so long on this one I know you've been waiting my 6 readers lol...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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