Manifest 7

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"Hatred is a very underestimated emotion."-- Jim Morrison.

After the little incident with that blood sucking asshole, I decided to head back to the headquarters, and on my way there, my thoughts began to wander. I think about the danger I would be putting that girls life in if I take her with me, this world is far too dark and lethal for a child to live in... But If I take her I would be respecting Orion and his vision he saw of me. This connection I feel with her is quite intresting as well, I'm quite curious about it. But should I risk her life just because of my curiosity? I've made it back to the PKC and my decision has been made. I'm greeted by a fellow PK named. Sarah

Samantha: H...Hi Nathan....

Nate: Oh... Hi Sam how are you?

Sam: I'm fine, and you?

Nate: I'm smooth I guess... I'll tell ya about it later...

Sam: Ok see ya'

I go through the security entrance and walk down a hallway to the caffe to find my partner and amai eating a quick bite...

Cart: So you're back?

Nate: Yeah... How are you two?

Cart: She seems to be brightening back up...

The girl is eating fast and heavily, as if she'd been starving forever. I guess that's what it's like to be a growing WereWolf. She hasn't even noticed me yet.

Cart: So... Have you decided?

Nate: Yeah.

Amai: Hey mister! I didn't see you there!

Nate: Hey! You seem energized...

Amai: Yeah I usually get REALLY hungry around this time...

Nate: Well I'm glad carter could find you some satisfying food...

Amai: Yep...

Carter: Alright, you keep eating, Nate and I have to talk ok?

Amai: Ok...

We walked over toward the door of the caffe. I know what he's gonna ask me...

Carter: So have you made up your mind?

Nate: Yeah, the world and our job is way too dangerous for a little girl to just be tagging along. She'll be alot safer here.

Carter: Well I didn't expect that... But it is your choice.

Nate: Oh? Do you think it's a bad decision?

Carter: I understand why but while she was eating she kept going on about how cool she thought our job was and how she always wanted to become a Peace Keeper. And I also would have thought you would look over her as Orion asked.

Nate: I did think about that... But putting her life on the line isn't worth it.

Carter: Well you're gonna have to break it to her.

I look over towards Amai who has just finished eating and is now satisfied.I start walking over toward her and the thoughts in my head begin to race. as she turns to look at me with a big smile I feel an enchantment of happiness wash over me, just the same as all the other times I looked into her eyes. Before I even realise it, I'm at the table.

Amai: Hi Nate! What's up?

Nate: Hey, Amai... Uhhh.... 

For  some odd reason I can't get the words out to tell her, that she can't come with us. And then the words that end up coming out are....

Nate: You wanna stick around with us on our daily assignments? It'll be dangerous but it'll be pretty fun to have another person in the car...

Amai: Can I really? Yes of course I do! I can't wait!

She jumps up elated and hugs me, the feeling of extreme happiness is intensified as she become into contact with me, It wasn't my original intention but I'm happy with my decision... And I'm glad that I could make her happy...


*I think I'm going to start naming the chapters insted of just using numbers what do you guys think?* Comment please!

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