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"The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury."--Marcus Aurelius--

Infuriated I stare down at my friends unconscious body, Slowly healing from the I.V. of blood being injected into his veins. All I can think of is killing that woman, ripping her flesh from her bones and pour her rotten blood into the sewers. Amai is holding onto my arm I can smell her fear, sadness and shock, she know's that could have been us... My back has healed nice and fast, but for some reason carter isn't recuperating as fast as a vampire should. Amai is sobbing.

Amai: Is He... Gonna be o..Ok?

Nate: I don't know... 

I know someone who wont be though,... The medic walks in to give us a report on Carter, he's an Xorsist that used to be just a doctor. When he walked in I could smell the worry on him.

Joseph: Hello I'm Joseph head of the Medical department in the PKC.

Nate: I'm Nathan and this is Amai. We're the closest people to Carter.

Jo: Nice to meet you... I have Good news, bad news, and puzzling News.

Nate: Bad first.

Jo: Well I estimate Carter wont be waking up for a little while. The explosion, ruptured a part of his pons, the part of the brain controlling sleep, throwing him into a coma. So until his pons is fully healed, He'll be asleep.

Nate: And the rest?

Jo: Good news is he is beginning to heal gradually and should be fine soon. What's odd is that, He's a vampire he should be restored by now I'm thinking the explosion had some type of chemical in it that is slowing his power to heal. It wont be long until we figure out what it is... We'll keep you updated but for now go rest...

Nate: Ok let's go Amai...

I walked Amai back to her room to make sure she could fall asleep soundly, knowing that Carter will be fine.

Nate: I'll be back, ok? I have something to take care of.

Amai: No... Stay with me... Please?

The look in her eyes wouldn't allow me to leave her although I knew my time was running out before the Vampire bitch's sent would fade. But I just simply can't say no to Amai, Why? Why does she have such control over me? She didn't touch me or force me to stay... 

Nate: Sure...I'll stay until you can fall asleep...

Amai: Thank you...

I sit in a chair next to her bed, and try to comfort her by petting her head and hair. I can still hear her crying, though the sadness I smelled coming from her has dyed down a bit. And after about 10 minutes she is fast asleep, But I have other plans, I have no time for sleep. I head back to the spot where the car exploded, to try to pick up the woman's sent. Tomorrow there'll be a full moon which means tonight is when I'm at my peak strength. I rely on my Wolf side to do the investigating. And not long after I change I pick up the sent of her Hatred, her anger, her lust. I follow along the trail that the foul smell is leading me down. I keep running for about an hour until I finally make it to an abandoned apartment building. I take a deep breath, Change back to human form and walk in.

The smell of the place is full of deep hate, towards me I see bloodsuckers laying around, playing cards, lounging, drinking blood from a few humans  they've held captive. A walk into the middle of the dusty old torn up lobby and behind the counter and rather big Vampire is standing looking me right in the eye.

BigVamp: This is no place for someone like you.

Nate: Where is she?

BV: Whom might "she" be.

Nate: Don't play stupid! The smell on her is greater than anyone elses here. She must be your leader! And I know she warned you that I might come. And stationed all of you in this room to stop me if I got aggressive. Sound right to you?


And in a flash I'm in vampire form and behind the behemoth of a Vampire, with a gun to his head.

Nate: Now you've gone and pissed me off... 

And just as I'm about to pull the trigger I smell her. That foul smell that anyone could notice from a mile away.

????: STOP! Now everyone just stay calm... Nathan darling, why all the ruckus? 

Nate: You tried to kill us! So I'm gonna kill you...

????: I'd never want to kill or hurt you my love... Just those other two...

Nate: Why? What do you want from me?

????: You, I want you, So badly... And those two are holding you back and keeping you from your full potential. Why be a lowly PeaceKeeper when you can be king and absolute ruler of the world? You have the power, the looks, the confidence, the demeanor. It all just turns me on so much! And I'd hate to see such a fine man go to waste...

Nate: Fuck you!

I pull the trigger on the big vampire in front of me and rush strait for her in a blind rage, but as I got within 5 feet of her it felt like I ran into a brick wall that gave me a clean uppercut and I'm knocked onto my ass...

Nate: What the hell?!

????: Oh, I didn't introduce you to my brothers. Nathan allow me to introduce my brothers Michael as he likes to be called now, and Jeremy.

Michael Appeared before my eyes from thin air and Jeremy walks in from the other room. Why couldn't I smell Michael if he's the one that hit me? They both stand next to their sister and kneel to her.

Both: My queen.

They then both stand and walk toward me.I clench my fists and get ready to fight, but then they kneel in front of me.

Both: My King.

Michael: Please forgive me for striking you my lord, it was only to protect her Highness...

Nate: King?! 

????: Feels good doesn't it? Having subordinates bow before you.... Stand you two, and come hither he is no king yet but he will be soon enough...

Nate: I will not! I am no dictator to rule anything, I will not fall so low into hatred as you have.

????: You wont have a choice my love. Jeremy open a Rift for home.

Jeremy puts his hand out and opens a portal in the area next to him almost as if he unzipped the air. And all the vampires jump in it.

Nate: That power.... So you plan to run again?! I wont let you!

The brothers get into a fighting stance to protect their sister while the rip in the air stays.

????: Don't worry no matter how fast he is he can't catch us. Don't worry my love we'll meet again, when it's time for you to be the king of this gray world, right after the Blood Moon. By the way the name is Milleena.

I run strait for them as she blows a kiss to me, but in the blink of an eye they enter the portal and are gone. I growl into the nights cold air in a rage! I failed to stop them. My blood is boiling but soon after I calm down. "The Blood Moon", what could it mean?

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