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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -- Lao Tzu

The next day we received our new assignment at around 12:00 noon, for Carter and I it was just another day, just business as usual, but for Amai it was a new adventure and she was very excited. The assignment given to us was to deal with a rouge Wolf who has been terrorizing a nearby human town. His abilities are unknown, we are advised to take extreme caution, and he is to be brought back dead or alive. Before we leave I decide to have a little talk with Amai.

Nate: Amai.. Come over here for a second.

Oddly the girl that just yesterday was just a short child has matured a bit over night and is now up to my chest with longer hair and a more pre-teen like body. 

Nate: Are you feeling alright Amai?

Amai: Yes I'm fine! Why?

Nate: Well you look like you got a growth spurt over night...

Amai: Really!? That's so awesome! HEY I did get taller...

Nate: How did that happen?

Carter: Werewolves age just like dogs, She may be young but her body will age fast.

Nate: Oh... How old are you anyway?

Amai: I'm one... But in dog years i'm about 11.

Nate: Cool I suppose... But any way that's not the reason I wanted to talk.

Amai: What's on your mind?

Nate: I just wanted to let you know that some times our assignments can get a bit out of hand, and by that I mean they can get a little bloody... If at any point you don't think you can take it anymore you're free to go back to the car.

Amai: Don't worry! I'm no punk! Daddy always said I inherited his Iron Bravery!

Nate: Well good.

Carter: are you two done? I'd like to get done with this job before the day is over...

Amai and I: READY!

We proceeded to the car and went along down the road to the town, in the back of the car is Amai playing her video games as usual, having the time of her life in her own world. I guess carter got sick of the silence so he Sparks a conversation as we're driving.

Carter: So amai... Are you sure you're up for all of this? I mean with all that's happened recently?

Amai: Yeah I'm sure I knew about what was gonna happen a few weeks before it did daddy, said If I let out all my sadness back then, than I'd be prepared for when it happens.

Carter: Orion really thought up everything huh?


She said that with a smile but I can feel her real emotions, she misses her father...

Nate: So tell us about yourself amai. We don't know much about you and you don't know much about us either...

Amai: Hmmm Well My full name is Amai Annabell Williams, My birthday is April 1st, I love to eat and play video games my favorite color is pink.......

She continues to go on and on about herself I didn't realise what I had got us into. It seems for such a young girl, shes quite long winded. I end up zoning out for a second...

Amai: And that's about it, how about you?

Nate: Wow you're birthday isn't too far away. I'm Nathan Daniels, I don't really know when my birthday is because my parents died around the time I was born so there was no record of my birth. I was found by Carter here when the PKC had just started to form. I like eating too and my favorite color is turquoise.

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