Manifest 5

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From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.--Socrates

The pain, the fear, the death, the hate, the sadness. I'm begining to see the real world again, the dark and gloomey one. We continued onto the Island, we saw many dead Wolves and humans, before even geting a mile into it. Amai has covered her eyes because of the horror, Hundreds of her own kind slaughtered. I don't blame her. One question remains still... How could such few vampires cause such genocide to this many strong healthy werewolves?

Carter: Damn... How could this have happened? I've never known any vampire to be this powerful, even in groups there's no way this could happen. Except........

Nate: Except what?

Carter: Nothing it's just a stupid theory.

Amai: Is it over yet?

Nate: No, I'm sorry kid It wont be for a little while.

Carter: There's gotta be a survivor or 2 left.

Nate: Doesn't look so...

Carter: Look.. Over there..

Off into the distance we can see a woman walking toward us She has long brown hair, dark purple eyes, standing at about 5'11" and has a mild skin tone. She's badley injured and bleeding heavily... We get out of the car and run to her with amai slowly trailing behind still covering her eyes...

Carter: Miss! Can you tell me your name? Do you know where you are?

We try to help her stand but she still falls to the ground with a sliver knife in her lung. She reaches up for my hand.

Mia: I am Mia Sister of Orion The King.

Carter: Ahh Hell, it's the girls aunt..

Mia: Where is she?


Amai begins to sob heavily at the sight of her dying aunt. And then I feel the greatest  sadness I've ever felt wash over me. As if Death himself put his hand on my shoulder.

Mia: Amai.... Hey, love... Don't worry about your aunt the place me and your daddy are going is much better than the world we in now. It's a place where everyone can live in peace forever.

Amai: Don't leave me Mia PLEASE!

Mia: It's my time love. I was getting old anyway HaHa!..... You,... Boy, are you Nathan "The mixed breed"?

Nate: Yes I am...

She goes into her coat and pulls out what looks like a scroll and a letter...

Mia: Orion bequethes this to you it is for your eyes only. My brother once told me you would one day be something great, and disagreeing with a man who can tell the future isn't very wise.

Nate: I understand.

Cart: We can get you help the PKC can fix you up.

Mia: No, now is my time and  have accepted my fate. Amai, please take care of yourself, me and your daddy will always be watching and protecting you. We love you. and before I forget happy early birthday.Since I wont be around to give it to you here's my necklace.

Amai: I love you Mia! Thank you I'll never take it off.

Cart: Come on, we have to call PKC and report what has happend and get the kid to a safe place.

I opened the scroll and realised it was a guide to Orion's special fighting style. I opened the letter, it says

Nathan, You don't realise it yet but your destiny is one of great honor, You will become what brings peace to the world but you must take the correct steps in order to be the Peace Keeper you signed up to be. This scroll conains the style of fighting I created called "The Shredder". Study it, Master it, and then teach it to Amai, and teach it to your own decendants if you have any but after you have mastered it, I want you to burn it. So that it never gets into the wrong hands. Please as my dying wish, protect Amai, Protect her as if she was your own daughter. Goodbye Mixed-Breed.

To be continued Manifest 6...

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