Manifest 6

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"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone." --Orson Welles

We called the PKC and they arrived within about 10 minutes. Carter and I were surprised to see that even the Commander came to do the damage control himself. Hundreds of peackeepers cleaning up thousands of bodies is a horrific sight to see. The girl was now being comforted in our car by one of our fellow peace keepers that happened to be a wolf. The Commander of the PKC "Chief Xorsist Matthew" is walking toward us for questioning. He's taller than most humans standing at 6'5" and much more skilled than any other Peace Keeper or Xorsist.

Chief Matt: So which of you are going to explain?

Carter: I will sir. The Mission given to us was to escort the girl to this Island for her safety during the war, unfortunately it seems the Vampires got here before we did.

Matt: How many?

Carter: It would seem hundreds. But when we got here only a handful were here to greet us.

Matt: There's no way only a few Blood-Suckers could take out and island of wolves.

Carter: Exactly what we we're thinking sir.

Matt: We checked in with the Wolf kingdom as well. It seems Orion's death is confirmed.

Nate: What will happen to the girl?

Matt: The wolves have asked us to keep her in our care for her safety until she is three and able to become queen. Until then Orion's secretary will take on the role as leader.

Carter: Also this note was given to Nate from the girls aunt, It was written by Orion himself and contains his final wishes.

Carter hands over the note and The Chief reads it over.

Matt: Looks like Orion knew everything, and he saw something in you kid. Well the choice is yours weather you choose to fulfill his wish to take the girl or not.

Nate: And what about the scroll?

Matt: He gave it to you didn't he? It's yours now.

Nate: Yes sir.

Matt: Now if you'll excuse me...

Matthew walks off to handle the human press and media. 

Carter: So what will you do?

Nate: It's a heavy burden. I have to think about it.

Carter: Well for now I'll take her back to PKC headquarters and try to get her comfortable there with the orphan kids.

I leap off into the night walking on buildings trying to decide. Taking on a kid I know nothing about is a huge responsibility. One that I'm just not ready for. But on the other hand respecting Orion's dying wish just seems right. Not to mention this odd connection I feel towards her.

I look up towards the moon it's on it's last quarter (A half moon) Not long before it's full. As I daydream away I smell A deep and strong emotion of Hate and lust, It's familiar. My eyes search back and forth


????: I'm right behind you baby...

She whispers into my ear. I spin fast unholstering my gun and pointing it right at a woman. It's the one from before in the alleyway.

Nate: Who the fuck are you?!

????: Don't you remember? I'm your future.

Nate: Don't toy with me bloodsucker.

????: Deja vu much? You could use a little work on your pick up lines love.

She comes closer with a walk that would have any normal man ready to hump her leg. She puts her hand on the front of my gun and moves it down a little and kisses my neck. Then she attempts to bite me. With her hand still on the gun I pull the trigger. She lets out an enormous scream and begins to laugh.

Nate: Keep your teeth to yourself!

And in the blink of an eye the person in front of me with a bullet hole in her hand is Amai crying in pain.

Amai?: How could you mister?!

Nate: Amai? How?

Amai?: You shot me you asshole! I thought you were my friend!

I begin to feel regret and despair as if I shot my own daughter by mistake. But then I smell the same hate and lust I did when that vampire first appeared. I look up and it's her again laughing at me.

????: HAHAHAHAHA you really are a stupid mutt.

Angry, I stand and change into a Vampire. Before she can utter another word I grab her by the throat.


????: Hmhmhmhaaa, Because I am you!

She changes form to mirror me.


I throw her into a pillar on the roof it breaks and crashes down on top of her and I open fire, Emptying my guns into the rubble and debris. I then calm down.

Nate: I guess you picked the wrong guy to try to fuck.

I felt good about making such a witty statement. But then her voice is heard.

????: No you're the perfect one, I like it rough!

I turn around and shes behind me.

Nate: How?

????: You're not the only one who's pretty fast hun.

Nate: I'm gonna,....

????: What? Fuck my brains out? Shove your cock down my throat? Tie me up? Ohhh please do...

Nate: No I was gonna say, Kill you..

And then before I can unsheathe my sword she disappears

????:Sorry gotta run, I can't wait to play again baby, till next time...

Nate: Next time you'll be dead for sure, you annoyance.

To be continued......

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