Soulmate Found

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[Warning! Mentions of abuse and fighting. Knifes and blood involved!]

You didn't want to wake up today. But you did as always, falling out of bed at 5 am, and getting ready. 'Goodmorning!' your soulmate wrote, and you laughed. 'Mornin'!' you say in reply. 'Have you gotten ready?' the reply says, and you write a quick, 'yes.' as you stumble out the door with your schoolbag. 'Did you eat?' the next one says. You had honestly forgotten about eating and you wrote, 'I 4 got! The next message was a frantic, 'Where do you live?!' and you write, 'Beach city? Why?' and then he replies with, 'Meet me at the big donut.' and when you ask why, he doesn't answer. You make your way to the big donut, only to find that guy on TV, Steven Universe, floating down in front of the door. He was wearing laces instead of his usual sandals (from what you could see on TV).

He tripped, and you caught him by the hand. "Let me tie those for you." you say, and you drop your bag to tie them. "You didn't have to!" he says, and you shrug, saying, "But I did." and then you look at your phone. "DAMNIT!" you screech, "I'M LATE!!" and you start to run off. "Wait!" he calls, caching up to you. Everything slows down and gains a pink tint. "WH-" you start, but he says, "It's one of my powers, and also, I wanted to thank you... For the laces thing.... I usually wear sandals, but I was kind of embarrassed that I would have to meet my soulmate with them on, so I went for a normal look. Thanks for the help." and you say, "So, you want to come with me?" He nods and says, "We have all the time in the world at this point. I can walk you to your school, maybe even pick you up if you want." and you spoke, "I would love that! I'll see you at 2:30?" He nods, and then they walk to your school. 

You say your goodbyes once you see your school. From what he told you, he needed to leave before the girls noticed that he was there. He let go of your wrist and was gone in a pink flash. You ran to class, then the bell rung. "I'm going to have to thank him later." you mutter, sitting in your seat. "HAYY!" F/n (friend's name) screamed in your ear. You jumped, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Did you find your soulmate??" she asks. "Maybe." you say, and then, the teacher walks in, announcing a pop quiz. You knew that today was going to be a long day...After this class (Science), you went out to your lockers. You felt ink on your arm. 

You grab your S.S stuff, and head to that class. Once you drop your stuff under your desk you check your arm. 'Are you okay?' he had written. You smile and write, 'Yeah, some guy helped me earlier. I'm fine. I still didn't eat though.' You could imagine your soulmate groaning. 'Listen.' you write, 'I got class, but if you want, you can draw on my arm again. I'll take off my hoodie, so it doesn't smudge.' and he starts drawing. You did what you said you would. 

You were wearing a white shirt, with jean shorts, and some f/c Vans, 2f/c hoodie now tied to your waist. People in class wouldn't stop staring at you, or your arm covered in rose drawings. "Your soulmate must be an artist!" they had said, until you showed then two stick figures holding hands. You had to hold in a laugh, because he was amazing at plants (roses) and awful at people. You didn't mind though, you thought it was cute. 

At the end of the day, the same thing as last time repeated, forcing you outside. This time however, you were pushed to the ground. When you looked up, you realized it was that stuck-up girl that F/n always talked about. She yelled and screamed at you, kicking your figure that was still on the ground. You didn't flinch or react. Your ears started to bleed, but you continued to do nothing. You could kick this girl to the moon if you wanted to, but alas, you chose to do nothing, as not to get into trouble.

You didn't whimper when she kicked you in the face, or cry when she bent your arm the wrong way. You scan the crowd and see Steven, looking for you. You lock eyes with him, and mouth, 'Help.' attempting to stand up. You were pushed back to the ground, knife on your neck. Steven ran through the crowd yelling, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE??" the girl thew the knife into the crowd, helping you up. She screamed (purposely in your ear) "STOP MESSING WITH Y/N!" Steven sees right through it, snatched you from the girl's arms and encased you and himself in one of his pink bubbles.

"How are you not in pain?!?!" he nearly yelled, looking at the damage the girl did. "High pain tolerance." he didn't question it further. He gave you a quick kiss on the temple, and warmth ran through your whole body. You hissed slightly, because all the warmth (after fixing injuries) went to your stomach. "You never said healing was supposed to hurt!" you glared. His eyebrows shot up, "It does?" and you say, "At least for me. Near stomach area. Probably where I received most damage." He helps you up and pops the bubble. Everyone was watching. 

The boys sent approving looks to Steven, while all the girls were ogling over him, comparing their boyfriends to him. He takes off his pink jacket and ties it around his waist, revealing his rose drawings. "Stay away from my soulmate." he says, and everyone seemed to shrink away. Then he picks you up bridal style, carrying you to his 'house' or as he explained it, 'the temple'. "Steven! Put me down!" you yell, as you struggled. "No, you're not allowed to walk until you get better." People from school watched the scene, some recording. 

When you got inside the temple, he set you on the couch, before being tackled by three figures. (School was a long walk to and from the temple, so he had time to tell him about you.) "C-Can't breathe-" he said, voice strained. You just sat on the couch, watching. When they let go, they noticed you. "This is Y/n, my soulmate." he explains, and you say a quick, "Hello!" The tall, pale one, (who you guessed was pearl) said, "Hello Y/n! I'm Pearl, this is Amythyst, and the other one is Garnet." she pointed to each one. 

Then, Steven and Pearl exchanged looks. Then he left. The three explained what his past was like, and how it is now. They explained what a gem was, and that Steven was special. Then, when they finished, you were forced to tell them about your life. The abuse you received from your trashy parents, and how you were considered a weirdo everywhere you went. The gems seemed to pity you. Pearl had tears in her eyes, Amythyst had lightly punched your arm, saying something along the lines of, "Lighten up man!" and Garnet said, "It will get better in time, don't worry." Steven came in, and the gems pushed you both out, (you now in Steven's arms once more) stating that soulmates needed time together. He set you down on the beach, then asked how you were doing. 

You said you were fine, and that the pain had gone from a stabbing feeling to a stinging one (which was better in your opinion.). "So-" you say, "You saved the world three times?" He starts, counting on his fingers, "I didn-" but then realizes, "Oh. I did." Only then did you realize how dark it was. 

"I should head home."

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