Away From Soulmate Bliss

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Pink Steven POV

I can't believe she just kicked us away like that! She was human! I mean, she's getting better with her powers, but handling a flash mob?! I was mad. No, not mad. Livid. They just had to ruin our day! I mean, I had just met Y/n, and they had just gotten their gem! How could this have happened in that small amount of time? Apparently, a lot! The way they dropped the microphone made me swell. I was proud of them. Having my own physical form was enough for me, but experiencing emotions? Talking? Meeting my soulmate? Gosh, this is too much.

I sat down on the couch holding my head. Everyone looked at me, and I sent them blank stares. I had decided that only Steven and Y/n would ever see me smile. Steven walked over to me, and I looked up at him. My stare softened, and he smiled. Man, this was who I was trapped with for 16 years? Who knew captors could be nice? Of course, he doesn't know that I felt like that, and I know that if I told him he would feel bad. Best to push that aside now that I'm free.

Steven sat on the couch with me, and a few seconds later, Y/n was asleep in my lap. I push the hair out of their face slightly and send their sleeping form a look of adoration. "What now?" I ask Steven, and he shrugs, "It's pretty late, how about sleeping." I falter and say, "H-How do you sleep again?" he doesn't get mad or upset, he only smiles, taking my hand in leading me to his (our?) bed. I stare at it, and he instructs me to lay down. Then, he walks through the steps in sleeping.

No matter how hard I try, I still can't manage to pass out. Steven was fast asleep, next to Y/n, who he had wrapped his arms around. I decide to walk around the temple and try to name each room and what it was for. I walk into the kitchen, 'Food.' then the bathroom, 'Getting ready in the mornings or as Peridot always said, to think.' I chuckled at that. When I make it to the garden, I wince slightly, 'To take all my anger and securities out on plants' and I notice a note on the door. "I took care of your plants! They are beautiful! Sorry if I killed one or something!" I read out loud, "-- Y/n" and then, I look around the room. Every plant seemed livelier than before. I looked at Sadie and the shrub-specks. I laugh a little at Steven's name.

I hear a rustle, and I see Amythyst at the door. "Hey dude." she says softly, walking up to me. I don't move. "Want to go do something to get you tired? You might sleep then." she says, and I can tell she just wanted to hang out. Maybe- it can be like old times. "Sure." I say softly. She jumped slightly, not expecting me to speak. I groan inwardly and sigh, saying, "Amythyst. I have known you for 16 years, I can now show emotions and talk in complete sentences. I'm not dumb. I can tell you just want to hand out." she chuckles sheepishly and asks, "Well? Can we?"I scoff, "Well, duh. I miss my lil' sis." and I open my arms. 

She comes barreling into them. Then when the hug was done, she gave me a look, "Lil' sis?" I punch her arm and say, "Well yeah, I mean, I'm thousands of years older since I'm pink diamond's gem!" and she laughs. I join in too. "I missed this." I sigh and ask, "Want to go to mask island?" and she spoke, "DO I??" I laughed lightly, "Yes you do." and she drags me towards the nearest warp.

A blue light surrounds us, and I have to close my eyes. Then, when I open them again, I'm met with forest beauty. "Gosh, I missed this." I mumble as she drags me to a cliff near the water. "So?" she asks, "How's your soulmate?" I involuntarily say, "Gorgeous/Handsome." I slap and hand over my mouth, turning red while she laughs hysterically. "What about yours?" I ask, and she winces. I know that I hit a nerve. "They have been ignoring me... Ever since I turned 160... Do they not like me?" I smile and say, "Who wouldn't like you, Amythyst? Maybe they're just afraid. Afraid that you won't like who they are. Maybe... Garnet had her soulmate.... Maybe Pearl? I know you two don't really get along, but have you ever seen writing on her wrist?" Man, I was good at comforting people! Kinda proud of myself...

"Maybe your right, Steve. Maybe it's Pearl... What if my soulmate died?" she mutters, and I groan. "Well, when Y/n was asleep, she went back in time to meet Pink. Pink never saw her again, but Y/n made sure to tell her that they loved their diamond." I say, and I wince at my own words. Amythyst can tell that it hurts for me to talk about someone else's memories. Steven always had an identity crisis. When I left his body, he became 'Just Steven', and I became Steve, Pink diamond, and Rose quartz. Now I know what he feels like, and trust me, it sucks.

Amythyst says, "Well, your Steve. Not Steven. Just yourself." I had a feeling she had practiced this for who knows how long. "How long did you recite that for?" I ask, and she admits, "A good two hours. Did I do good?" I nod, and we lay down, looking at the stars. "I saw that flash mob today. Man, it was probably the biggest one in history!" she laughs, and I explain how me, and Steven got kicked away in our bubble like some rock all the way to the temple while Y/n took care of the mess.

"Man, you had to deal with that?" she giggles, "I think she got it worse!" I punch her shoulder lightly. "We should probably go back; Steven usually wakes up from a nightmare around this time." I fib, and she says, "If you want to go and sleep with your soulmates, just say so." I nod, and we stand up. "Thanks for tonight." I say, "It really helped." she smiles, "No problem, dude!" and we warp home. She departs to her room, while I join Steven and Y/n on the couch.

Today was bliss.

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