National Soulmate Day

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Pink Steven POV

"They won't hurt you if you touch them." says a comforting voice. I walk up to one and touch the tip. Steven comes and does the same. "Only those Y/n trust won't get cut. You're lucky. Y/n has taken good care of my shard, the only thing keeping me alive, therefore, they deserve these powers. Guide them." The voice says, and I smile, "Sure will." 

"One more thing." the voice says, and Steven says, "What?" "Once Y/n figures out what happened, they will believe that they have to live up to me. I need you to tell them that I chose them because they were better than I."

Y/n shoots up and looks around the room.

They look down to see their gem flipped, and the color black instead of its normal pink. "What the hell happened?" they ask, and I laugh, and Pearl's head shot toward me, not really expecting me to show emotion.

"Y/n." I said, "You haven't been to school in a week." they screamed and jumped out of bed. Pearl simply left; Steven handed them his black shirt with a star, and they ran into the bathroom. Minutes later, they came out running. 

Steven had been thoughtful enough to grab their school supplies from her house, and to charge their phone. "Thanks Universe!" they yell, already out the door and on the beach. I slow down time and Steven gives me a quizzical look (he wasn't affected by the pink aura because we had the same gem.). "I want to go to school." I say, and he shrugs. 

We catch up to the still running Y/n that was also uninfected by the slowness. I clung onto their foot, and the grumble, "I guess you're both coming with me?" and we nod. They continue walking.

We make it to school for what seemed like an hour later. They make it to class and lean against the doorway, panting heavily. I stop speeding us up, and everyone looks at them. It was a sight to be seen. A girl/boy, 16, trying to get two, clingy, superhumans off their legs. Some people whipped out their cameras, I glared at them. Only half of the people in class put their phone away.

I put up a bubble, and Y/n groaned. "Stevie!" they whine, and I drop it. They manage to make it to the back of the class with me on their leg, and they sit down, me still latched onto them, in the middle of the isle. Nobody complained.

Steven stood behind them, notebook in hand. "It's national soulmate day." he explains, but people continue to stare. Someone holds up their phone and says, "It's true! June 8th is national soulmate day!"

The teacher sighs, "I guess it's alright, since it's the savor of beach city." and he starts class. People didn't really pay attention. They were too busy staring at Y/n, Steven, or me. Steven was writing in his notebook (probably taking notes like a normal person would at school.) while I stayed latched to Y/n's leg.

Sometimes, I would let go to let Y/n or myself stretch, but other than that, I stayed attached to their leg. School wasn't that bad. I managed to close my eyes and get rest while they walked through the halls.

Your POV

It was after lunch, and you were talking to Steven, explaining to him how a locker worked. He had given you his jacket in one of his classes, so you had it on and zipped up. The cold never really bothered you, but the jacket was nice and warm, and you would never admit that you wanted to wear Steven's jacket just because you wanted to. 

At some point, you had given Steve to Steven, who had slung him over his shoulder. Steven was excitedly going over notes with you when...

"He nerd. How's it goin'? See you got yourself some petty boyfriend!" a voice said, and you turn to see a bulky male, older than you. He was your 'bully'. He never left you alone, and when he did, he was usually beating up some other kid.

You felt Steven step in front of you, and you glared at him. He slowly backed up. "I want to prove myself." You whisper, and he nods, backing off completely. The guy throws a punch, and you summon your shield. It's black instead of pink, but nevertheless, it works, and the guy freaks out.

"What's that, FREAK?" he shrieks, and you laugh. "Are we done here? Or do I actually need to hit you?" he runs off like a wimp. You turn and smile at Steven. You notice Steve was awake, and at this point, he was struggling against Steven to punch that guy in the face.

You groan, "Steve, we don't do violence. We only defend. Get it right." he just latches onto your leg once more. "Someone's clingy." you giggle, and he offers a smile. "Uh- Y/N?" Steven asks, and you say, "Yeah?" he shows you his phone.

There was a video of the fighting scene, and it was viral. "Whoever records this stuff better give me and Steven some money!" you shout, annoyed out of your mind.

"Me and Steve need to go back for a mission..." Steven mumbles, looking at the texts sent from Amythyst. "I want you to take extra notes in science class, okay? I heard they're doing something on light absorption and I'm trying to do a project of my own on that." He speaks. 

Then, he snatches Steve from your foot and the two go out the door.

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