Training With Soulmates

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[Mentions of abuse and scars]

Your POV

It was funny to see Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst's reactions. Pearl screamed, Amethyst's eyes widened, and Garnet just sat there, clearly shocked. "Hello.. I'm Steve-n?" Pink had said, but you laughed, and said, "Maybe you should go by Steve for now. Less confusion." he nodded in agreement. "How exactly did this happen?" Pearl asked after freaking out for a solid hour. "Well, for some reason, soulmates duplicate gems to those who don't have them??" You state, not really knowing either. You just knew that you didn't want Steve to have to explain it again.

"That means-" she started, but you finished, "That I have one too." you lifted up you shirt to reveal your nasty scar, along with the pink gem that you had just received. "Woah, how'd you get that scar?" Amethyst asked, and you laughed. You didn't give a strait answer. "Oh, you know, stuff." you had mumbled. Steven just smiled supportively and Pink Steven just sat there, not really understanding emotions.

"We have to train Y/n before their powers get out of hand. If something were to happen, it might result in what happened to Steven not too long ago." Garnet states, and Steven turns pink. Steve glares jokingly saying, "My color." we all laugh, but Steve just - doesn't 'glare' anymore. 'We might have to work on that' you think, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder. It was obvious that his own lack of emotions was making himself uncomfortable. "I'll teach you how." you whisper in his ear, and Steven gives you a nod of agreement.

"How bout' we all head to the training arena?" Amethyst says, "I heard that Greg had to pay more than a hospital bill." you blush in embarrassment. "I mean, now we know that she can float!" Steven says cheerfully, and we all head to the warp. "Try." Steve says. I put my hands out in front of me, and concentrate. 'Training arena?' you think, but it sounded more of a question then a command. Suddenly, a blue light surprises all, and you end up in some sort of broken, beat up, training area.

"This is it! Well done, Y/n!" Pearl says, and you smile, proud of your accomplishment. Steve gives a thumbs up as did the others. You, Pearl, Pink Steven, and Regular Steven make it to the center while Greg (you didn't know why he was still there), Amethyst, and Garnet sit on the sidelines. "Try to summon your weapon." Pearl says, and you think. 'What makes me happy? Good grades? Friends? Steven.' but it didn't work.

Your mind flashes to your parents; 'What would they think? Where are they? Were they looking for you?' then, you felt something in your hands. You opened your eyes (yes, they were closed) and you could see a vibrant pink scythe in your hands. You turn to the other gems for approval, but all you see is everyone hiding behind Steve. "Did I do something wrong?" you ask, and Steven explains saying, "We all have bad memories... With rejuvenators... Maybe unsummon it for now?" and you frown, "But this is something I can do! Can I try and change it?" Steve shrugged, "Go ahead."

'What was I even thinking about? If I can't do this, than I'm useless...' It took you a full minute, but you realized there was something else in your hand - two things in your hand. You opened your eyes once more to find twin swords. Pearl jumped out from behind Steven in delight. "W-we can work with this! I'm not even going to question how you managed to change it!" She cheers, and makes a holo-Pearl for you to fight. With no instruction, it starts attacking you.You parry the Holo-Pearl twice, then dodge it's thrust. This was level one, the basics. "You go (Girl/Boy/Child)!" Amythyst cheers, but you don't look up. You can see Steve and Steven getting restless. The parry, parry, thrust movement goes on for a while longer, but you decide during thrust to sweep it off it's feet and point at it's chest. "Challenger defeated... Do you wish to go again?" Before Pearl can say anything, you say, "Yes. Activate level 100." and you get off the holo-Pearl.

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