Robbery From A Soulmate

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[Warning! Abuse and blood, also, you almost die.]

Steven's POV

"Wait!" I call, and they look back at me. "What?" they ask, lightly laughing. "Want to stay at my place?" they scoff, "The temple? No, your room has been taken by your dad, remember? Stay at my place." I then realize how stupid I sounded. "At your place? I thought you were new here!" I say, catching up to them (they were out the door and on the beach from now.) and they just rolled their eyes, and huffed, "Just because I'm an outcast doesn't mean I don't exist!" I spoke, "Well, you didn't have to let me into your home!" and they say, "I didn't have to, but I did." for the second time today. 

I groan, "I walked right into that one, didn't I?" They nod, and we laugh. When we get to their house, the door is open, and there were no lights on. "I'm glad I have nothing of value..." they mumble, and we enter. Y/n had to explain to me that their house wasn't usually like this, although it didn't look too bad in my opinion. They drag me across the Livingroom and into theirs. "Stay here, get some rest." they order, pointing to their bed. 

I go to protest, but they cut me off saying, "And I'll go and clean the mess up. Don't come out." Then, they leave. When Y/n left, I examined the room. It was clean, unlike the rest of the house. "What are you doing here?" a voice yells saying, "Mom? Dad? Didn't you tell me to leave and never come back?!" It was 100% Y/n. Concerned, I wrote on my arm with my pen, 'Everything alright?' there was no reply. 

I knew by now that there was some sort of problem. I walk into the Livingroom, and what I see makes me turn pink in anger. There was an old couple, and they were kicking Y/n's broken, curled up figure on the ground. "Hey!" I yell, and they turn to me, anger and hate in their eyes. They had no weapons (thankfully!), but they did have household items that probably belonged to Y/n. 'Heh, looks like we found the robbers!' I thought silently.

They start throwing books at me, and I can't help but to read the titles... 'Awww- my favorite book-' I think, but I mentally punish myself, and start to dodge them. I put up my shield, and they start throwing sharper things, like butter knives and parts of glass. Something hits my leg. "That's it!" I yell, making a bubble, and stretching it so they can't hurt Y/n either. 

The man pounces on the bubble as soon as Y/n is in my arms, while the woman continues to throw forks and knives, apparently out of glass shards. So, these people are Y/n's parents. How rude. I look down to see a fork stuck in my skin, just below my knee. I take it out, and kissed it, healing whatever wound I had. Then, I looked at Y/n. Their face was pale, and they were cold. "Y-Y/n?" I stutter; they don't reply. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" someone asked from a phone, and it wasn't mine. "SOMEONE TRIED TO ROB OUR HOUSE!!" the woman screamed into the speaker (I refuse to call her Y/n's mother). 

"Right on it, ma'am! Tell us the address, two police officers will be on their way!" and the man says, "***-****-****! Please come quick!" Then, they exit the call. The woman sneered, "They'll never believe you!" and I chuckle darkly, "You don't know who you're messing with, Mrs. and Mr. L/n." (I had seen a paper with Y/n's first and last name on it on their desk.) Just then, two police broke down the door shouting at the top of their lungs. Then they realized who I was... "Steven Universe?!" and I glared over to the man and woman before me saying, "Why would I, Steven Universe, try to rob someone's house, after I saved the world three different times? What's the point in putting my soulmate in danger?" and Y/n started coughing out blood.

"Tell me where your injured! Please, I can heal you!" I yell desperately, but she coughed more, but didn't reply. Another two people burst in, and from what I can tell, they're are nurses. I pop the bubble, and pick up Y/n, setting her on a stretcher. I follow her into the ambulance, making a call. Siri says, "Calling 'Greg Universe' starting now..."


"I need you to pay for a hospital bill."

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