Flash Mob With Soulmates

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You and the others make it to the hill and Steve sets Steven down. "I hate you." Steven grumbles. "I love you too." you and Pink Steven say at the same time. You think nothing of it, and you make it to the edge and hand your feet over. Steven pushed you off saying, "Float! You can figure it out!" you were yelling incoherent stuff all the way down. By then, you realized that the trigger to your powers were the opposite from Steven's. At the hospital, you were worried about the bill, you floated. When he told you that your powers were connected to your emotions, all you could thing about was Steven. When you were close to the ground you thought, 'I'm going to die.' and you floated.

When the scythe and twin swords appeared, you had been worried about your parents, or being useless to the crystal gems. Your powers were connected to your bad ones, not your good ones. You jumped and landed on the hill a few minutes later. "What did you learn?" Steven asked, but you stayed silent. You were deep in thought. He snapped and waved his hand in front of his face, and you said, "That my trigger is different than yours." he gestured you to continue, clearly confused. Your answer wasn't something he had assumed you would say.

You say, "Instead of happy emotions to power my abilities, it's negative ones." Steven frowns. Steve shrugs saying, "Most Rose quartzes don't do that, even Pink diamond didn't work like that." Then an idea sprouts in your head, "Hang on, I'm going back down. I want to get picnic stuff!" and you jump off the cliff. They flinched slightly but did nothing to stop you. "AAAAAA-" you screech as you nearly hit the ground, but you float last second. "Oh, thank stars!" you sigh, and you go inside, grabbing snacks and a blanket along with three bottles of water. You check the time to see '1:49pm' so you knew it was around lunch.

You ran back outside and jumped again and thought, 'The Stevens are going to steal my food!' you made it to the top. "PROMISE ME YOU WON'T STEAL MY FOOD!" you shout, and they do. You start falling. Steven jumps in the air, grabs you, and sets you back down. "What?" he asks, "It's 'training'!" and you groan. You spread out the blanket for all three of you to sit on. "Any of you know what time it is?" Steven asks, "I left my phone at the beach house." you pause and do the math. "Around 2, why?" you say, and he nods. "I'm hungry again." Steve says out of nowhere. "You promised!" You shout, and he nods and says, "Alas, I did." you hand both Stevens a juice box. It was a spin off from the now continuing joke.

"That's all your getting. Be glad I brought extras." grumble, and they laugh. You and the others lay down, watching the clouds go by and change shape. None of you were aware of Ranaldo taking pictures, or Peedee close behind him. You weren't aware of the others from town gathering around too, wanting to know more. You stand up, and the first thing you do is run into something... Or rather, someone. You look up to see the everyone. You usher them off the hill, then you jump down yourself, preparing to explain.

You snagged a microphone from someone and spoke into it loudly, "HELLO! I'M Y/N! I WANT TO ASK YOU WHAT YOUR DOING SPYING ON ME AND MY SOULMATES?" Connie ran from the crowd. You ran and embraced her (you knew her from school.). "Everyone was spying because they wanted to know why there was two Stevens." she explained, and you spoke into the microphone once more, "APPERANTLY, WHEN THERE ARE SOULMATES BETWEEN A HALF-GEM AND A HUMAN, IT MAKES TWO DUPLICATE GEMS! ONE FOR THE HUMAN, THE OTHER FOR THE GEM FUSED WITH THE HALF BREED. NOW, PLEASE GO AWAY!"

You handed the microphone to Connie as reporters from Empire city appeared. "Are you that girl that went viral on TubeTube for being Steven Universe's soulmate? Can you tell us what's going on?" you groan and look at the camera saying, "Yes, I may be that viral person. Sorry, haven't been on TubeTube in years. Anyway, I'm Steven's soulmate. There is this thing called 'gem duplication' where if there is a half-breed gem/human and a human as soulmates, it duplicates the gem for the human and the gem who was stuck in the hybrid's body. That's why there was a second, pink Steven. We haven't conformed this theory yet, but we hope it's true, because we want no attention to ourselves, and we only want peace a quiet."

The female reporter asks, "Is that your gem? What's up with that scar?" she pointed to your stomach. You say, "Yes, and the scar was from earlier events." then you say, "Can you please leave me and my soulmates alone?" but the crowd (and the reporters) didn't leave. It seemed to be multiplying. You guessed that everyone in Empire and Beach city was gone, now at the bottom of this hill. Pink Steven and Regular Steven ran down the hill, latching onto you. "You should bubble yourselves." you whisper to them, and they do so. You kick them to the temple. "Wait!" they yelled, but they were already soaring through the air. "Sorry!" you yell to them, and you could see the clear scowls on their faces. The reporter continues to ask questions, and you jump into the air, wanting to get away from them. You didn't realize that there were also helicopters and planes above your head. You were interviewed there.

"Why can't I just be left alone?!" you whine to yourself, encasing you in a pink bubble. You floated all the way down; arms crossed an unhappy. You rolled inside the temple as did the townsman. Connie (who went inside after you jumped) handed you the microphone, and you shouted, "LISTEN!" everyone paused to hear you talk. "I KNOW YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT US AND WHATEVER, BUT WE ARE LIVING BEINGS! WE HAVE A LIFE, AND WE CAN'T BE ON TV ALL THE TIME! I KNOW YOU WANT ANSWERS, BUT I'M GOING TO HAVE TO SAY NO! NO MORE! I JUST WANT TO BE NORMAL. HOW COME NOBODY TOOK NOTICE TO ME WHEN I WAS AN OUTCAST? HOW COME I'M ONLY NOW JUST NOTICED? PLEASE, JUST LEAVE US ALONE! WE GAVE YOU AN EXPLINATION, BUT NOW THE QUESTIONS ARE GETTING PERSONAL! PLEASE LEAVE OUR PROPERTY, OR WE WILL HAVE TO CALL THE COPS FROM THE CROWD, PROBABLY NOT DOING THEIR JOB! WE'RE SORRY! HAVE A NICE DAY!" and you drop the microphone, sending feedback to everyone's ears.

You stomp up the stairs angerly, and into a gardening area. You watered the plants and took care of them, getting your anger out with the calming hobby. You didn't even know who belonged them, but you didn't care.

When you looked outside into the many windows, you could see people leaving.

"Thank the Stars!" you whispered to yourself, putting a hand on your heart.

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