His dream.

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"Tell me." I whine.
"No, it's sexual." He looks away.
"Tell me." I say sweetly smiling.
"Alright well," he let out a deep breath. "my dream was, we were at my house and we were cuddling and you were in my jumper. You know, my favourite one, the grey one with the Greek on the arms." He gestured to his arms and I nodded "yeah, well you were in that.. And just your undies and yeah.."
"Is that it?" I ask.
"Yeah I was just like.. Damnnn" he finished with a smile. I laughed.
"What the fuck, that's not sexual at all. I was waiting for some smut you know!" I say playfully hitting his chest. He laughed.
"No, it was sexual enough."

He's 17...
There's more to that dream.
Whether he'll admit it or not.

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