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um hi... please don't kill me for not updating. i know, i haven't updated AT ALL and its not acceptable.

school likes to get in the road a lot and sadly there's not much i can do about that :((

i have tumblr, instagram, twitter and all that good stuff so if you wanna know my user then just message me!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the lovely comments telling me to update- i hope at least one person is enjoy this :)

anyways......... here is the new chapter!


Waking from my ever-so-common nightmares, I'm surprised to find myself in the bed that's in my own house. I suppose someone dragged me here after my meltdown earlier. Rolling over, I attempt to fall back asleep.

No luck. I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep.

Dark thoughts infiltrate my subconscious mind and eventually sleep gets the better of me. Due to nightmares, I am thrust awake another few times.

Sometime in what seems the early hours of the morning, there is a familiar rapt at the door. It's Effie. She's the only person I've ever known to knock before entering. Capitol courtesy as she says.

"Come in." I mutter coarsely as I rub my eyes and slowly sit up.

Effie enters the room, although her appearance is not something I have seen before. It is natural. And surprisingly refreshing. She smiles and places a cup down on the table next to my bed. I glance over at the chocolaty brown liquid swishing around in the cup. Hot chocolate. Yum.

Effie sits on the foot of my bed and places her hands in her lap. "I take it you've heard the news?" she says.

"Yeah." I can't think of any other way to answer the question, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it.

"You see, I went to visit him a few weeks ago and he appeared to be back to normal, but they did have some trouble with specific memories..." Effie trails off.

It was me. Of course. I caused it. He is like this because of my selfishness. I don't deserve this treatment. I need to be locked up. I'm too dangerous.

"Oh don't worry sweetie, he's perfectly fine now!"

Is he going to be the same? Of course not- you ruined his life. You caused him to be like this. Peeta deserved so much better than this. I should be the one in his place. Snow should have just executed me like he wanted to. Then maybe everything would be as it should.

"I'd better get going, I need to make sure Haymitch hasn't ruined the house yet!" She waves and leaves, closing the door softly behind her.

I glance over at the cup of hot chocolate and raise it to my lips. The sweet, warm liquid is a new-found pleasure of mine. She would have loved this. Stop it Katniss- you have bigger worries than this hot chocolate. Peeta's returning to District 12. You are not ready. Make yourself ready.


I've never been so nervous in my entire life. Even more so than at the reaping- which seems almost a lifetime ago.

My extremities are shaking unnaturally, so I clasp them together to stop myself from collapsing. My throat seems to be on a vice grip- constantly tightened. I try to take deep breaths.

Nothing is working. I'm too nervous. Oh my god he's here. I can see him now. That scruffy blonde hair is almost trademarked. I hope he can't see me.

Panic consumes my body. He's seen me. He. Can. See. Me.

My chest tightens and I'm lost for words. My lips curl into a half-smile. He can see me. I can see him.

My whole body is shuddering. My breathing is heavy, my thoughts are haywire. Haymitch releases his hand from my shoulder. I feel even weaker now. Help.

"Go on Katniss, it's okay."

"Look sweetheart, he's right there."

"What's wrong?"


I'm suddenly running. People are swarmed around me. The loud screeching of trains is almost non-existent. At least to me. My steps slow when I realize where I'm headed.

The blonde hair appears once again. And the shoulder. And the arms. And now the face.

He can see me. So I stop, too anxious to continue.

He notices my anxiety and takes small steps closer. So do I. I'm not sure why I am doing this. It just feels right.

I can't stop now. But I should. But I can't.

We're almost face to face now. His face is as I've always remembered it. Warm, inviting and at this very moment is making me weak at the knees.

Go on Katniss. He's right there. Go on. I can't. I did this to him. I can't. I can't. I can't.

He can see me. And suddenly we are the only two at the train station. His mouth widens as he sees me, too. We circle each other like puppies, neither of us willing to make the first move.

My lips are just forming his name when his arms wrap around me. Peeta.

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