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The day was November 11, 1918. It was the eleventh hour, the eleventh day, and the eleventh month. The defeated Germans, who were stunned by the Allies, signed a treaty in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France. This treaty was the Treaty of Versailles. A treaty that weakened Germany.

The country could no longer have an air force, had to reduce its army to 100,000 soldiers, lost much land, could not militarize the Rhineland, and had to pay 132 billion gold marks, which is more than $500 billion today. Germany finally finished paying war debts on October 3, 2010. 92 years to pay reparations for World War One.

This treaty would change Germany forever, and a man with a Charlie Chaplin mustache would rise - and continue the Great War. And nobody wanted a repeat.

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