Chapter 4: The Attention is Bliss

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That morning was almost peaceful.

If it wasn't for him worrying about Pi-Mo so much, he would've been completely sane at that moment.

Bill stretched his limbs, slowly gaining more energy. His body was always the last to wake up before his brain. His mind was always racing, turning and churning with thoughts.

Before Bill could get up, he spotted a familar sight.

Will was chatting away with some birds outside the window, eyes sparking with glee and excitement. Bill almost forgot Will could do that.

There was once a time where Pi-Mo nicknamed Will a 'princess' and teased him the whole day about it. Bill wasn't jealous at all when it came to Pi-Mo's special 'nicknames.' He'd rather stay Bill than be referred to as a 'clown ' or some other ridiculous name.

However, he now saw why Pi-Mo would give such a name. It actually fit Will perfectly.

"Morning Bill, how did you you sleep?" Will perked. Will lifted his finger, a small bird perching itself on it. Bill held in a laugh, munching on a small candy bar he'd packed for himself.

"Morning Blueberry. I slept better than I thought. I guess it was just..peaceful this time." Bill replied.

"That's really good. Oh! A sweet lady helped me make some tea for you. She made it just like you make it. It's smoother with honey!" Will exclaimed, placing the mug to Bill's hands.

"Where did the lady go?" Bill questioned, taking a sip.

Will looked down. "She said she had to go run the diner. Because of our generosity, she'd make us breakfast."

"Generosity? Will, what did you do? Why would you let a stranger inside?!" Bill asked sternly.

"I just fixed her locket..she seemed nice..besides, we need to go to the diner so I can return it. Do you want to come?" Will pleads, big eyes and all.

"Heck yeah! Onward to food!" Bill cheered, sprinting out the door.

Will scoffed playfully, speeding behind Bill.

"She better be ready to serve a foodie like Bill." Will comments to no one in particular.


Within the next hour, Bill stuffed his face with food, the plate becoming empty before another set of food stacked the plates. Will looked at Bill in horror. Where does it all go?!

"What?" Bill asked, annoyed.

"You're- I guessed I've never seen you eat that fast before-"

"Aren't you going to eat?" Bill asked, poking his fork towards Will's half eaten plate.

Will rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Not really- I'm sure we could take it home soon-"

"Tsh, you better or else I'll gobble it up." Bill joked, causing Will to giggle.

Bill and Will talked for awhile, taking glances at humans while exclaiming their delight to their new friend working at the diner.

" you smell that?" Will questioned, causing the women to sniff as well.

Something felt wrong to Bill. His hair stood on end, and a burst of energy coursed through him. Then, it hit him.

Bill's eyes widened. "Fire."

"What are you talking about?"

"Fire!" Bill exclaimed, sprinting towards the kitchen.

Multiple eyes glanced towards the action, fire suddenly erupting from the kitchen. Everyone gasped, running towards the scene. Will got pushed around, falling to the floor. Will rushed on the table, frantically searching for his brother.

"Bill!!!" Will screamed, pushing past the other adults.

Like magic, Bill kicked the doors down, dragging a unconscious man out of the scene. Everyone gathered around, the women going forward and helped Bill bring the cook back. With one final moment, the cook gained consciousness while customers helped put the fire out before it was too late.

"The kid saved him! If it was one second late, nobody would've known!" One person called.

"The reflexes are amazing! No hesitation!" A girl exclaimed.

People cheered and clapped for Bill who only stood there in shock. him? Bill would've never understood this type of praise. It was exciting and magical. Bill couldn't help but bow in response. Will gave a smile, proud of what Bill had done.

"Did you see that?! They loved it! I just zoomed over and bam!" Bill practically shouts, beaming with joy.

"They did! You were great! But, we should go home don't you think?" Will asked quickly. "I don't like fire.."

Bill scoffed, hands on his hips. "Give me a minute! Gotta go check on them first! Then we will go home, I promise."

"Okay Bill.."

Bill dashed to the kitchen, crowds following him from behind. Will loosely tugged on his warm jacket. Will looked up, and everyone left, the diner as empty as their house.

Just a minute..

Bill said so.

Just an hour..

But he never came. It was almost sunset when Bill returned. They walked in the cold that night.

Bill fell fast asleep that night.

And Will cuddled himself in his tear- stained jacket.

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