Chapter 10: Broken Mistake

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He was pathetic. Worthless. Bill told him so.

Will felt the next drops of rain down his face, grass turning into puddles. He knew he should be running and hiding, not just standing there watching the rain get heavier. But he didn’t move. In fact, he couldn’t feel the world around him at all anymore, he was so caught up in what had happened earlier.

Will couldn't stand the fact that his brother hated him and that he was gone.

If only Will could just go back to the day when everything was okay. If they'd never left home at all. If they could just talk things out again without a dumb fight breaking out every five minutes.

Their life hadn't been perfect but it had been good—it had made sense. But now, with Bill blaming him for who knows what, everything wasn't the same. It had gotten worse than ever.

All Will wanted now was to go home.

Will laid against the tree, rubbing his hands on his arms. He could still feel Bill's warmth nights before.

Will's mind drifted off to the night Bill came into his room after their father had fallen asleep. Pi-Mo was intoxicated and angry about a fight he’d gotten into with Bill and how their mother had just died from another demon a day ago. It almost tore the family apart. 

The last thing he remembered that night was crying to his brother, that it felt like he wasn't going to be able to make it through without his mother to cuddle him.

Will knew it sounded selfish, but at the moment all that mattered was how much he needed help with everything. Will had to admit, Bill understood.

And since then, Bill's always been there. 

Even when they were kids, Bill would take care of Will. Will had always believed that he could count on his brother for everything, no matter what happened.

After hearing about their mom dying, Bill got protective of him. He took over more of the duties of being Will's big brother than a twin. But Will always pushed Bill away because he didn't want Bill to worry too much about him. He wanted to be strong enough to handle things on his own.

But now, he couldn't do anything by himself. He was stuck in the rain, being useless.

Even if that wasn't the case, now... Now Will wouldn't stop worrying about Bill and how to protect him.

Will's teeth chattered against the cold, legs tucked close to him.

"You're the strange magic I've detected, aren't you?" A strong voice questioned, standing tall in front of Will's cold state.

Will looked up, horrified. A set of human twins in blue attire stood high and proud. The male held a device in his hands while chains in the other. Will scrambled back, his eyes shocked in terror when he glances towards the female.

She had a knife and what he could guess was a rift in her hands.

"Brother, I wanna play with him!" She whined, slumping to meet Will's eyes. Will flinched, turning away. Who were these guys?

"Not yet sister." He sneered, grabbing the rift and placing it beside them both.

Will watched Bill's prized possession wither to the ground in crumbles.

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