Chapter 5: Something's Different

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Will woke up the next morning, this time the house was quiet and still. Bill was nowhere in sight. It was strange with the room so quiet. His brother was a huge burst that screamed extrovert. Will was the opposite, he liked the quiet, but he almost feel lonely..

"Hello?" Will called, taking a stretch and placing shoes on his feet. He fetched his last candy bars before heading out.

Maybe Bill was outside?

Will called, and called, checking bushes and trees, even rivers. No sign of him. Will decides to check the town last, hoping Bill was there safe and sound.

First sight and Will could spot a huge crowd of people taking pictures and chatting around what seemed to be something. Out of curiousity, Will pushed through the crowd, distraught at the sight.

Bill was in his small demon form, flaunting his bright ego in front of a crowd.

"Oh please! I can do that in a sinch!" Bill exclaimed, lighting his hand on fire. The crowd ooed and awed, snapping more pictures.

"You must be a wizard!" One exclaimed.

"A demon is much more accurate. Write that in your pretty journal too." Bill states.

What was Bill doing?! He can't expose us like this!

Will dragged Bill away from the crowd, trying his best to hide Bill with his jacket.

"What are you doing Bill?! These furbies can't know of our magic! What if they give us away?!" Will cried.

Bill put a finger to Will's lips, glowing in joy. "Don't worry bro! They just want to learn! Like we want to learn about them! You can't say no to these bright faces, can you?" Bill whispered.

Will glanced over to the obsessed crowd of people. Even children were in on it.

"..Okay Bill..I trust you.." Will muttered, doing his best to form a smile.

Bill smiled back, wrapping an arm around his brother. "Lookie here fleshbags! This is my brother!"

People ran over to the Ciphers, snapping pictures and going as fast as they could to touch Will. One flash, and Will flinched, averting away from the cameras. One male touched Will's hair, ruffling it. Will moved away only to get bombarded with more humans arriving.

Will hated this.

On the other hand, Bill was enjoying the attention, handing people his hat and letting them touch his hands.

"So smooth!" A girl soothed in admiration.

"Smooth huh? Well, I can always perfect those imperfect hands if you make a deal with me~"

"Your deals aren't the best Bill. Do you know how to do it?" Will starts, before Bill interrupts.

"So?! Relax beanbag, I got this." Bill hissed, raising his hand to the girl.

The girl took Bill's hand in hers, blue fire engulfing their hands.

"Pleasure doing business with you! Humans really are dumb aren't they?" Bill comments, nudging Will's shoulder.

The girl practically squealed, crowds running over to feel her hands.

"Can we go home Bill? Please?" Will begged.

Bill's light dimmed a bit, lowering to Will's height. "We need this Will. They are willing to give me offerings for pete's sake! I just don't want us to go hungry.."

Bill never wanted to leave Will behind, that would be wrong! On the other hand, this was an amazing opportunity he couldn't pass up! There was no way he was going to let Tad and Pi-Mo win. They can handle themselves just fine. Bill was sure Will would understand.

"That's sweet Bill, but they can't handle this..we can figure something else out.."

Bill thought for a moment, giving a soft sigh.

"Please Will? For me?" Bill pleads.

Will looked slowly from the crowd back to Bill.

"Fine, but if these humans are dangerous in any way, we stop immediately."

"Geez no need to be a Pi-Mo about it!" Bill states, waving his hand around.

Bill flew to the crowd, telling them about all the fun they'll have tomorrow. Once Bill reached Will, they both made their way back home. Bill didn't say a word since.

Will sat on the couch while his eyes glanced over to his twin.

Bill laid on the bed, one hand behind his back while the other played with the small blue fire across his fingers.






"What?!" Bill snapped.

"Are you mad at me?" Will asked.

"No way, why do you ask?"

"You seem..irritated.."

"I'm just thinking is all! About all the fun they'll have once I arrive!"

"You can think?" Will asked, a grin forming his face. His attempt at a joke made Bill form a smile of his own.

"Oh shut up!" Bill exclaimed, punching Will's shoulder playfully. Will laughed, doing the same.

Bill held Will close to his side, announcing all his brilliant ideas like a spokesmen on a stage. Will decided to play along, announcing all the fun they'll have while traveling around the world.

Will sat on the rusty chairs, eating some of his leftover eggs from the breakfast they had that morning. Bill sat next to Will, leaning over just so he was laying on Will's shoulder.

Bill's thoughts traveled, from what he was going to do with deals, to how he was going to make the humans excited of his arrival. He was still new to this dealing stuff, but he had a good idea on what to do.



"What's going to happen now?"

"Welllll-" Bill starts, bringing out his 30 step 'world domination' plan.

"I guess we could invite Pyronica and the gang to hang out with us in case we get lonely. I could use the help afterall and the humans are sure to give us anything."

Will was skeptical. Pyronica wasn't the best example and if anything, was a complete jerk to him. There was this deep dark feeling of Pyronica talking behind his back, laughing and criticizing his every move. Pi-Mo was the only reason they escaped.

Even though that gang was bad news, Will wasn't going to sit around and do nothing. He planned to understand this world. The more he understood, the faster it was to get away from those psychopaths.

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