Chapter 9: He knows

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"Hey um Niall what's this she said pointing towards the folder where I keep my letters" Caroline asks going near it. I quickly sprint and stop her with a threatening look

"Don't you dare" I said as pointed my finger at her. Now I could see her face her eyes were tearing up looking scared

"um ok" she said I was just asking she said her voice was so innocent with not a single guilt in it but all I see was pain Maybe I was too harsh

"wait!"I said grabbing her wrist a little tight

"Yes?" She asked but I saw a tear roll at the side of her face

"I was just a little you know um"

She placed her finger on my lips. Wait did Jazz do the same. Maybe I'm just dreaming again

"It's fine I'm just a little sensitive to people who judge me with one proof or a few words from a person" she said. Why do I feel like she's talking about some one in particular

"I'm sorry" I said

"me too I was just curious" she said. Might as well tell her I mean someone's gotta know. And I owe her

"Well this are my letters to a special person" I said holding the precious folder

"Ok then" she said simply as if expecting something else

"So how long have you and Simon been dating"

"Well can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah why?" I asked leaning closer

"Well he's just my pretend boyfriend it's for my fame actually though we are not enemies

"Alright then" I answered. Why do I feel like rejoicing.

Jazz's POV

The folder got my attention it was calling my name well my old name but when I asked Niall he just jumped I teared because he hasn't changed

I wish I was that special someone he was writing to

I grabbed my laptop and researched for people that I could really talk to

I found one James it stated the address and all I grabbed my pen and paper

Dear James

Hi I am carol I was wondering if we could talk because I'm bored with my life and all and I need a friend I hope you would reply I look forward into talking with you even though I am clueless of who you are

Sincerely yours


I have a lot of identities

I mailed it right after we landed in London. I was opening their concert for them and I was required to stay with them for our stay.

hopefully they wouldn't recognize me il just have too be different. I looked into a familiar face as I entered place I saw Niall he jumped right into the fridge

I laughed out loud and it seemed to catch Niall's attention. I should stop

I only knew Niall for a day then we left each other but why do I feel like I know him forever

Harry was on the phone I couldn't see Louis and Zayn was out. They seem to know the drill. Leave the girl with nothing to do

And finally Liam was watching toy story haha I loved that movie so I sat beside him. Yay no awkward things happening

"May I?" I asked Liam who was practically glued to the movie. Ahh Liam never want to grow up aye

"Sure not at all" he smiled moving a little so I could sit down

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