Chapter 12:Girls rule

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Where am I

I saw a bright light

"am I dead"

"no your not"a familiar voice filled my ears

I sat up as my vision cleared up the first person I saw was Simon

"Your claustrophobicness is getting worse" he said he knew me more than anyone even though he's not really my boyfriend

"Honey that's not even a word"I said emphasizing the word honey

"How would you know you stopped studying since your career started' he nagged

"You did?" harry said

"Yes i stopped studying IN SCHOOL but Dude I home study"

"That's not even school" he said

"That's exactly what I said and my point"

"Whatever I'm still smarter than you, you know " he said trying to end the conversation but I wont' let him off that easily now would I

"Really? 14th president if the United States..."

"Ummm.......... Michel Jackson he said "

"Hahahaha see what I mean "I said laughing

"Hey that ain't fair how should i know about that at least I know that coconut water can be a replacement of blood

"One YOU SHOULD because your dad is best friends with him"

"Who Michel Jackson"

"Oh brother" I face palmed

"Oops sorry I forgot"

"You forget everything Two But it is not advisable because even though it has vitamins,minerals and nutrients it cannot absorb some so sometime it's gonna run out and you will die so it can be a replacement but temporarily

"What is?"

"Ughhhh" I face palmed myself

"Wow Caroline your smart" Liam said rather emotionless. I wonder.

"Yeah I didn't know that under that cheese addiction was I wise brain" Louis said

My jaw hit the ground and so did everyone else's

"Whaaaaat?" He said

"That's some words boobear"harry said

"And besides I love pancakes too"

" no your addicted to them and i should know because thats what all you eat but your not as wise as you think "Simon said

"Huh" we all said

"You see Caroline made a very hard decision before and she regretted it her whole life "

Louis and Zayn gave me guilty stares

"Don't you dare Simon or else..."

"Or else what? you don't hold anything against me you know"

"Oh really lets see I wonder what your white jacket looks like in blue no purple oh what about green"

"Ok point taken"he said quietly

"What about pink!!!"


"Heyyyy no fair me want to know secret"Zayn said

Seriously I'm going to kill Zayn and inherit his good looks

"Zayn do you want to know the secret? "I asked sweetly

"Yes but tell everyone please" he said cheekily

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