Chapter 10:Daddy carrot

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I went down with my face still twisted Liam was continuing toy story then Zayn gave me a glare it hit me I wanted to cry even though it was not that scary i bowed my head and avoided contact with him. I looked straight and my i bit my lip. I just went to the bathroom. I closed the door and slid to the ground. I put my head in my eyes which passed through my eyes. My hands were black. I stood up and washed my hands

I looked at the mirror

" what have i done "i cried softly i removed my wig yes I have a wig I wouldn't cut my hair I wanted it the way it was so I just wore a wig I looked at my eyes it was covered with mascara and eyeliner

I washed it all away then I looked at myself I almost grabbed the doorknob but Louis barged in I held my hand in my chest in shock. Okay not good. Louis saw me before. He's going to tell Niall

I started to think all the possibilities

"it's alright I know I'm sorry for barging in this came for you though" he said handing me an envelope then he went out. Hmm he must have red me

note to self:

lock the door

I face palmed

then again I faced the mirror I can't do this I placed my wig back and applied my make up then went out

Liam was lecturing Louis for entering the bathroom while I was there

then I caught Liam's attention "now Louis "he said I raised my brow in confusion Louis approached me then said

"I am a bad carrot " he said guiltily. Do you know how hard it is not to laugh while looking a 6 packed man looking like penguin. Why can't I laugh you ask? Liam was glaring at me too.

"um ok" i laughed. I couldn't take it

"Louis!!!" Liam warned

"I'm getting to it already" he yelled

" I am a bad carrot, carrot sorry for entering bathroom with Caroline in it."

"Aaaand" Liam said

"and in punishment I will not eat carrot for the rest of the week" I laughed at his face it was priceless

"its fine carrot and daddy carrot he apologized anyway and besides Liam Payne!" i warned hands on my hips. "I do not expect daddy direction in doing this at least carrot eats his vegetables" I said as seriously as possible

"that was not the point" he said sternly

"yes it is and besides your nagging way worse than mom it's annoying irritating and it's not attractive now stop this fuzz now" I put my foot down as Louis was hiding behind me. I don't know why

"make me" he nagged even more

"ohhh daddy carrot seems upset and stubborn we wouldn't want mommy carrot coming over now do we Liam's eyes widened

"Louis be a good carrot and dial Dani" I said putting my hand above my shoulder

"yes ma'am!!!" he saluted,dialed and handed me the phone

I set it on loudspeaker then I heard a voice on the other line

"hello Louis what's up" I heard a perky voice said

"hello is this Dani "I said running around the house while Liam chasing me

"yes this is Dani, Louis if this is a prank ill kill you "

"no worries Dani, its Caroline I'm his friend"

"oh ok why are you calling me" she said

"oh nothing I just need your help" I locked the door behind me but Liam's voice was very loud

"help?" she said


"yes help" I said worriedly

"Caroline open this door this instinct"he screamed

"hello was that Liam" she said as a matter of a fact

"yes that was Liam you see..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence

"I'm on my way" she said wow Liam must do this very often

Liam kept on banging the door "Caroline open this door" since I do not trust violent Liam I stayed inside the room but it wasn't my room it had white walls and a navy blue queen sized bed then I saw a small table it was full of envelopes and papers it must have been Niall's room since I heard he was writing to someone

I'm not going to read those letters that doesn't mean that Niall broke my trust I have to break his does it?

well I already did but I'm a different me now I'm not jazz my name us Caroline

I'm Niall's friend ugh even just thinking of it makes me weak I'm only his friend then I heard footsteps from the bathroom then Niall came out his hair was wet he was wearing a shirt and basketball shorts

" um what are you doing here" he asked

"I was running from Liam"

"why Liam is not that violent he's only violent when you do something threatening enough " he said fixing something on the floor then he stood up

"what did you do?" He asked cheekily

"well Liam was annoyingly irritatingly uncontrollably"

(This is alternative :)

"I get the point"


"at you ?"

"no at Louis"

"oh so what did you do "

"I told him if he didn't stop nagging ill call Daniel then I called Daniel on Louis phone chasing me everywhere then here I am "

"does Liam do this often " I continued

yeah so were expecting Dani in five four three......." he looked at his imaginary watch


Daniel yelled at the living room

"wow" Niall said picking up his phone "earlier than last time"

" I assume its safe to go out now" he said

"yeah let's go I'm hungry"I said

He smiled

"hopefully one of liam's punishment is to cook dinner last time he was forced to clean the whole house all by himself "

"really" I laughed then Niall looked at me with a blank expression

"did I do or say anything "

"no it's just your laugh it reminds me of" get stopped

"of?"I asked

" never mind you wouldn't care any way and its no big deal"

"C'mon tell me"

"Really it's not that important" he proteste

"alright then "I sighed I was no big deal well he really did move on

"I suppose it's time we introduce you to Daniel now who knows you might meet Eleanor and Perrie"

"Really lets go down now" I said excitedly

"Wait Caroline I" he said

"Yes?" I said facing him

I looked at him he was leaning closer and closer


He handed me Louis phone

"Thanks" I smiled

That didn't go as planned


Soo jazz still has feelings with him awww

This is officially my favorite comedy chapter!



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