Chapter 5: Ledgic The Bodyguard

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Miles away from Y/N and Co. stood the palace of Lord Don Kee. Inside, Lord Don Kee himself was being served food

Henchman:  Your midday meal, if it pleases you, sire.

The Henchman removed the lid, revealing Don Kee's meal. Don Kee began to happily eat

Don Kee: Yes, It's fine. My compliments to the chef. 

A few feet away, lounging on a nearby chair sat Don Kee's bodyguard, Ledgic

Ledgic: Your scouts have returned

Sheela and Gale, Don Kee's scouts, appeared before him.

Don Kee: Yes? What is it, Gale?

Gale: My lord, that spaceship that was found in the desert. We got it. It's all yours now, finders keepers!

Don Kee: Show me.

The screen in front of Don Kee lit up with an image of the Capsule Corp ship. 

Don Kee: Sheela, what is your evaluation?

Sheela: Whoever designed had function in mind, but not fashion. It may work well, but as you can see, it's an eyesore. It's not going to fetch anywhere near what the sleeker models are getting in the marketplace. In a word, it's ugly.

Don Kee: Well, then what good is it?! There's no rare treasure inside, no crew members for slaves, so why have you brought me this ridiculous ship?!

Gale: Sire! You're the one with the good taste, I'm just a grunt! Only you can truly decide what has value or not! 

Don Kee: You're not as stupid as you look, Gale! Now tear that ship apart and sell it as scrap! Make it happen-

Suddenly, alarms start blaring in the compound where the ship was being held. Ledgic looked up from his chair, looking at the screen, a loud voice came over the feed


A powerful blue blast blew away dozens of Don Kee's workers.


On the screen, Y/N, Caulifla, Trunks, Pan, and D/N all blasted their way into the compound, the workers all shooting at them with no success.

Y/N: Come on, Trunks! Grab the ship and let's get out of here!

Trunks: You got it!

Pan ran in, punting a few men in the head, D/N following up with a kick of her own. D/N and Pan landed side by side, both smiling and high-fiving. Trunks unlatched the ship, causing it to land on the back of a truck.

Trunks: I got it!

Trunks ran back down, hopping into the truck

Trunks: COME ON, LET'S GO!

Another worker ran to the window of the truck, aiming his gun at Trunks

Man: Out of the truck or you're dead, lavender hair!

Trunks looked over, sarcastically raising his hands as Caulifla ran in, punching the man to the ground

Trunks: Nice job, now grab the kids and hop in!

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