Evil even in the Good

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It's Tuesday, you think. All the days blend together. You were sitting in the conference room with your temporary team and Fury who had come to visit and see how everything was operating. He had taken alot of percausions to be here, like shield agents at top rank protecting and observing him, even in the conference, I mean you couldn't have the operator of shield being attacked but it seemed obsessive.
''So everyone has been doing the jobs they were assigned?'' Fury said while clicking his pen on and off on the table. Everyone nodded.
''I think in about a week you will all be transfered to Wakanda and meet back with the others for some sort of re-uniting and game plan. For now keep to your posts and assignments and everything should run smoothly. We are trying our best but it's not looking likely for any hope to appear.'' Fury said.
''Actually, none of the children have mutated. That's hope, is it not?'' You say looking to the team and smiling. You look to Fury and he looks at you but doesn't reply. After a second he smiles and starts to walk out.
''Have you met any of them yet Fury?'' Natasha asks, ''They do actually help with coping, it is hope for us. You should come visit the housing. We haven't actually seen the kids that get sent to the ward. But they are all stil living so we might be able to rebuild human life with them if we do end up all mutating.'' Natasha says standing up and walking over to Fury. ''C'mon, we'll go together. You probably have a little time to spare.''
''No, no I'm really busy these days, I only came to check on the team.'' Fury replied. Steve rested his face on his fist on the table and sharpened his eyes like he was thinking intensly.
''Please Fury, let us see them, I miss half of those kids and no more have come in yet for me to help look after.'' You say. Fury tries to walk out the door but Natasha blocks the door until he would say yes.
''No.'' Fury says while looking dead into Natasha's eyes. Natasha doesn't budge but looks to Steve. Steve got up and casually walked over to fury.
''Unless you've already seen those kids?'' Steve says walking slowly to Fury and one of the Shield agents stands forward and grips his gun. Fury raises his hand for the agent to stand back.
''Steve what are you on about?'' Wanda asks, really confused.
''Why are you really here, hm? Big boss, too important to come down here if it risks your life until one random Wednesday,'' (You got the day wrong and said damn it to yourself), ''Especially to here where nothing good or safe is happening and your not needed. And if you truly wanted to come down here it would be to see what hope we had left, right? So why didn't you tell us about this hope, since you are the guy behind the scenes you know everything, right?'' Steve was now right in Furys face and almost questioning him like he's done something horrible. ''So let's go down and see those kids who are happy and not sick.'' Steve said looking fury right in the one eye he had. Natasha was looking at Steve puzzled too. ''Y/n, have you not heard from any of those kids?'' Steve asks you.
''Nope, not one.'' You say.
''And have you heard where this ward is?'' Steve asks.
''No, I was told it was secret for the childrens protection.''
''And it's really random for those kids to be immune right? Since they are just like us and no different to their parents if they mutated.'' Steve asked rhetorically.

You pieced it together and put your hand to your stomach and covered your mouth which was wide open in horror. Natasha soon realised and her eyes started to water but there was no facial expression.
''Where are the children Fury.'' Steve asks not moving and inch. 5 seconds of you on the floor weeping and not being able to breathe from what was just revealed to you and Wanda holding onto Vision while Bucky helped you breath went by, then Fury pulled out his gun but Steve pulled it from his grasp and threw it to Natasha. The Sheild agents closed in as Fury tried to back away from Steve. Natasha and Vision handled the Shield agents immidietly. So Fury had no protection.
''They were going to turn, there was nothing we could do!'' Fury said while Steve had a gun to his head as he slid to the floor.
''That's why you have the whole of shields finest here. I bet they don't know what you've done. You were hear to make sure we wouldn't find out, WEREN'T YOU!'' Steve said grabbing onto Furys T-shirt and pulling him to his face.
''YES, yes.'' Fury answered.
''You could've given them a housing like we have with the others.'' Steve said.
''Only the most important people got housed, everyone else was eliminated to save resources.'' Fury said accepting his fate as a dead man and deciding to reveal all his evil.
''I did what I thought was right.'' Fury said.
''So you killed innocent children?!'' Natasha screamed.
''They weren't children.'' Fury said.
''They hadn't mutated.'' Steve whispered. ''They were still just kids.''
''We trusted you Fury. We thought you were good.'' Natasha said with tears running down her cheeks.
''It had to be don-'' Nick Fury was shot in the head before he could finish. Steve stood there with the gun still raised at where Fury's head was before it hit the floor.
''I couldn't listen to those words come out of his mouth.'' Steve said. Steve grabbed Fury's contacter and spoke to Maria Hill about all that had just happened and that she needed to take up Fury's job and not make the same mistake. Maria, being Fury's best friend, was weak listening to what Steve was saying but she got all the Shield units which were outside to back down and report back to their bases.

You found the location of the so-called 'ward' and you put yourself through the pain. It looked like a hospital from the outside. You climbed up steps to the entrance with Bucky and Vision behind you. It smelled like bleach, cigarettes and blood. You read a sign which read ''Playroom, School, Dorms.'' You followed the corridor to wherever it would take you. You saw piles of shoes, dolls and toy cars in rooms. You got past the storage area and you read a sign, 'Child containment.' You couldn't force yourself to step forward and Vision couldn't handle this if he was going to have a child. It was the most terrifying and lonely feeling standing outside that medical double door, only imagining what horrors were contained. You dreamed of the young girls of which you plaited their hairs, or the boys who you taught to colour inside the lines. You could almost hear the laughs, the giggles the whines, the wails and the cries from them. You turned around and ran outside and puked up whatever you had ate which wasn't much. You were hyper-ventilating and curled up on the steps of the building in the middle of no-where. This was a nightmare. You could feel the sun beating down on you, nagging you to go back in but you wouldn't do it. You called for Vision and Bucky and you made your way back to be transported to Wakanda.

You weren't coming out of your room on the plain for days. You lay in bed, soaking up whatever sweat you were giving out. You hadn't eaten, you hadn't showered, you hadn't moved. No one could break this loop. And for all those days all you thought about was the vision that you had when you werre in bruces lab and how if you were sent through a time-line via a black-hole, it was possible you saw different times in the timeline, causing you to see Peter get slaughtered by a mutated. Bucky is right, the end is near, you can't waste anymore time. But here you are lying in bed. Wasting time.

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