I need you daddy

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I got drunk and posted about my TikTok please don't follow it I really don't wanna post it i was drunk out of my head honestly.

Louis pov-
I find liams contact on my phone I hover my finger over the call button one side of me is saying call him the other is saying don't. I look over to harry now out of his headspace lead on the sofa watching Brooklyn 99 it's been a whole 2 days of me thinking about calling him or not. I decide not to for now I know it's probably stupid but I need him I need my best friend. I see liams been on a podcast recently with Logan Paul. He was drunk clearly drunk I fucking hate him exposing us like that when we was in the band I pushed him against the wall he deserved it

"Get the fuck out of here you don't have the right to disrespect harry like that" Louis says quite aggressively towards Liam. He had pushed it too far this time he was going to tell the fans at the concert about harry using a dummy it was nothing to do with him. "Get your hands off me I'm the favourite of the band members, no one cares about you or harry" liam spits back. Louis saw red and pushed him up against the wall about to lay a punch on his smug face until a voice spoke. "Please don't hurt him daddy" harry says quickly. I stop immediately.

End of flashback.

Back to Louis-
I knew I should have hit him but I can't do that to my baby no way if he says stop it's stop no questions asked. It's the fact he said that shit about harry my harry. Harry's drifting in and out of sleep I decided to go sit with him seeing if he needed a feed or anything before he has a nap.
"Hey pet do you need a bottle or even a feed quick before you go to sleep" I say.
"Bottle please" he replied yawning.
"Okay but we're going put you in a pull up quickly cause I don't want you to have an accident whilst your asleep" I say knowing he would if I didn't he doesn't say anything rather gose into the bathroom and tries to put one on himself but gets it the wrong way round and inside out whilst I prep his bottle it's 6oz so not a lot but he won't drink all of it it's formula so he probably won't like it either. He walks out the bathroom towards the kitchen where I am as I turn around he says
"I tried but I don't think it's on right" i hold my breath trying not to laugh and say "I'll help baby I'll always help you" as were walking back to the living room I lay him down and put it on properly pushing his dick down so it's in the pull up I walk back to the kitchen to retrieve the bottle I made now warmer and start to shake it I pass it to him he's lies on my stomach sucking on his bottle. After a few sucks he pushes it away passing it to me. "Don't like it then" I say as I already knew. "Milk please" he says I take no time in taking off my shirt so he could latch as he's sucking he slows down suddenly drifting off every few seconds he begins sucking again I leave him like this for a hour or so. After about two hours he starts to stir and I notice his pull up is rather full. He wakes up eventually and just lays there until he speaks. "Bottle" he says I give it to him wondering if he'll drink it or not to my surprise he dose living about 1oz left once he's pushed it back to me I put it on the side and give him his dummy which he refuses. Not this again I don't know what to do so I text Liam.


Bro call me it's an emergency.

What do you want from me

It's harry he won't eat he won't let go of me at all Liam I need your help I don't know what to do

Deal with it yourself I don't care Niall is more important than you two he asks about you all the time but you had to go make a stupid decision without us sorry Louis but I don't want anything to do with you.


Back to Louis-
What the fuck did he actually just block me anyways I decided to just push all the anger out of the way harry was the most important thing right now. I decide to do some online shopping for harry as he's lost a few dummy's needs new clothes and diapers I end up spending maybe 30 minutes shopping till my cart if full and looks like this

 I decide to do some online shopping for harry as he's lost a few dummy's needs new clothes and diapers I end up spending maybe 30 minutes shopping till my cart if full and looks like this

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The bottles cause he will sometimes take them, new pacis cause he's lost loads and the car seat cause I want to start taking him out we've been stuck inside for ages. I press pay and it comes to £340.28 not to bad it says delivery within the next two days. Harry is still awake trying to get my thumb to suck on I don't want him to because I don't want him to get sick but it's the only thing he wants so I give in. Giving up I decided to scroll through TikTok again and harry seems interested in the mrs.Rachel woman that's popped up so I close my phone and grab the to remote going straight to YouTube to put this woman on. I'm now lead down with harry on top of me Harry smiles at me and wispers in ear "I need you daddy" did I hear him right. "Not when your in headspace babe wait till later" he doesn't say anything rather just tries to pull his pull up off but fails so I help him then remove my boxers. He leans down to kiss me slow and steady at fist but we pick up the pace soon enough to where we're both grinding on each other he seems more intrigued in mrs.Rachel then the sex right now.
"Babe if you want to watch it that's fine we can finish it later" I say pulling away. "No daddy let me ride you" so we do just that I lift him so he's positioned with his rim right above my cock and I slowly start lowering him on it his eyes glued to the tv he eventually gose all the way down we stay like this for a second a milla second before mrs.Rachel starts saying to jump up and down on the spot. Harry dose just that just on my dick and keeps doing it till she says to do something different. We've been like this for about 25 minutes with my cock in his ass as his eyes are glued to the tv until he decides that hes finished watching it. "Daddy jump" he says now back in headspace. "Okay baby" he starts bouncing on my cock moaning as he's doing it a few minutes of him bouncing is over and he's coming and so am I. We both get in the bath with his bath toys obviously and I put him in a nappy before we both lie down on the bed with him sucking my chest falling asleep and that's how our night went with me and my baby sleeping peacefully

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