Why me

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I just want to start of by saying thank you for all the love and support on this story it really means a lot, secondly for those saying they'll be sad when it finishes don't you worry it won't end for a while

Louis PoV-
Not long after I put H to bed I sit on my bed scrolling through TikTok and instagram I decide to go onto my private account which only family and friends know about I know I'm well known I don't consider myself a celebrity or anything just we'll known
I scroll to the bottom and find the first picture I posted one of H smiling at the camera captioned "if only he could see how beautiful he really is"
I think back to that day august 28th 2016

Me and H have just had a conversation about how he's really doing because I know he'll try and tell me he's fine and there's nothing to worry about but I do he's my baby

" H don't lie to me please I want you to be honest" I say

"Okay Lou" he says sitting down next to me

"Are you okay" I ask sympathetically

"Yeah I'm fine" he says looking away

"I know you lying tell me the truth" I say taking his hand in mine

"I don't know Lou" he says tearing up

"Aww baby come here" I say pulling him closer he makes his way onto my lap

I hold him, I hold him close whispering sweet nothing into his ear.

"Do u want your dummy" I ask making shapes with my finger onto his back I hear a mumble and reach into my pocket for it I find it and give it to him I pick him up and take him onto the bed lying him down i lay next to him, his head on my chest. We eventually fall into a sleep a few hours later I wake up slowly moving off the bed to the window opening it reaching into my pocket to find my vape I grab my phone scrolling through my emails till I see one from management titled
MEETING 1:30pm 28th of August 2018 it's currently 10:30 am so I decide to let harry sleep a while longer while I sort us some clothes me a plain black hoodie with grey joggers and some white Nike air forces while harry can wear a plain grey hoodie with  black joggers and some black air forces I get dressed and decide to grab my backpack and place a Spare change of clothes a black hoodie and black joggers aswell as 3 pull ups just in case aswell as a black dummy as I'm putting it into the bag he starts to wake up

"Hey smiley boy how'd u sleep" I ask walking over to him

"O'tay" he says his dummy making his words sound different

His smile the same smile that could make a thousand people smile the same smile i miss seeing I grab my phone and quickly take a picture I know he doesn't see himself the way that I do. He sees a broken boy I see a boy who pieced himself together again I love this boy nothing will ever change I change his pull up for a new one and get him dressed into his outfit it's 12:30 so we have an hour till the meeting we walk hand in hand to the kitchen of the flat we share he sits at the breakfast bar I make him some breakfast because we didn't have it earlier he says he wants pancakes so that's what I make I opt for toast simple but so good as we eat I notice it's 1:00pm so we need to leave I go and get his bag the boys and Paul waiting outside before we leave I take him dummy and place it in my pocket

At the meeting

H sits in-between me and Liam Simon sitting across from us

"Right so I guess you all know why we brought you here today" Simon starts

"We've noticed Harry's been acting differently and we don't like it" he says really starting to push my buttons

"Quite frankly you need to change it harry this behaviour can not carry on, or the fans won't like you anymore" he says harry looking at me almost in tears

"Simon I don't think that's up to you how H presents himself" i say calmly

"It is and I will change it" he says pulling out a document

"You signed this did you not" he says pushing it towards H

"Yes I did" he says but even looking at it

"Right so stop this nonsense right now or I will kick you out of the band" Simon says

"Okay" H reply's

"This concludes our meeting good day" Simon says getting up and walking out

"Why me Lou, what did I do" harry says crying at this point

"Hey your okay bud you'll make yourself ill" I say pulling him into a hug his lower area now damp I need to find a toilet so I can change him

"Boys why don't you head to the car me and H are going to the bathroom" I say taking Harry's hand and making my way to the disabled toilets we eventually get there

"We need to change you love is that okay" I ask

He nods his head I instruct him to lie down he dose I pull his joggers down and off his legs removing his pull up and replacing it with a new one I grab his damp joggers and find his new ones soon enough he's changed and we walk  to the car half an hour later we're at the flat H doesn't say anything and gose straight to sleep on the sofa I wish he could see his beauty I think.

Please let me know how you feel about the flashback type of chapters I like writing them but I don't know if you like reading them also what would you like me to write about I'm open to any ideas

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