Breath with me

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⚠️Tw mentions of sh⚠️
Louis PoV-
We shortly arrived back home after the shopping trip harry was thankfully asleep in the back of my car, we arrive at my mums house ready to say goodbye as it was getting quite late and harry needed to be home in bed.
"Bye love I'll see you soon" my mum says to me, I'll have to come see her soon. I get back into the car and pull out of the drive way, I put on the radio and slowly drive towards the motor way (it ain't spelt right probably) about 30 minutes in Harry's stirring so I look back and check he's okay, he's hipovenerlating so I pull in to the emergency lane and jump out to open the back door. "Breath baby it's okay", "I'm here don't worry" I say trying to calm him down he makes grabby hands towards me so I unclip him and place him on my lap. "Hurt harry" he says around his paci, "who's gonna hurt harry baby?" I say oddly confused. "Harry hurt harry" he says looking up at me, oh shit I think to myself. "No baby your okay daddy's got you I promise" I say trying to make it a bit better. I grab his bag and start to make a bottle hopefully he'll fall back to sleep and his thoughts will be gone. He takes the bottle and within minutes his back to sleep I place him in his seat and go back to mine to continue driving. We reach home 30 minutes later and I pick harry up taking him straight to the bedroom laying him down to change him I notice a strange line on his thigh a few days old I presume.

Flashback to 2 days ago-
Harry's PoV-
I'm out of headspace and I need to release again I haven't in ages but I need to, see I would talk to Lou but he'll get worried and I don't want that I just want to think normal thoughts I go up to the bathroom and snap my razor in half to get the blade I pull my joggers down and draw a line fuck is all I think fuck this fuck my life, no wonder why Lou doesn't want me. I pull my joggers back up and head to the bedroom to sleep he won't think anything of it he'll think it's a scar I hope.

Back to present
Louis pov-
I'll have to ask him when he's out of headspace I don't press the issue and rather lay him on the pillow so I can sort the house out it's a mess and I need to get the shopping in, I walk back out to the car and grab the shopping bags as I'm about to walk in I notice I strange car pull up blocking the driveway. So I walk up to it there's a man about 6'1 blue eyes black hair sat in it he rolls down his window.
"Hey it's Louis Tomlinson dose harry live here with you or are you alone" fuck sake another paparazzi, I say nothing and walk back inside, we really need to move. I place the bags on the kitchen island and begin putting Harry's new bottles and sippy cups away in the cupboard, I hear a soft sniffle coming from the bedroom, so like Sherlock homes I go to investigate, as I predicted harry is awake and trying to get out of the bed, I walk over to him and pick him up.
"Hey baby how'd you sleep" I say calmingly
"Lou I'm not in headspace" he says to me, so I put him down and grab his hand taking him to the kitchen,
"Do you want some food maybe some Mac and cheese" I suggest.
"Yeah that's fine I guess" he says looking for his phone. He eventually finds it and turns it on.
"Hey Lou you might want to see this" harry says showing me an article about me walking into the house. Fuck that guy was a reporter but how did it get up so fast I only saw him like 20 minutes ago,
"Oh that's not good" I say.
All I can think about is keeping harry and little harry safe right now I mean we could go to my place I haven't been there in a while my mate Callum is house sitting at the moment. I'll ask harry about it later.
"Here you go babe" I say pushing the bowl of mac and cheese go him.

Flash flash flash was the last thing we heard before I knew I needed to get harry out of here.

Yo so sorry for not updating I had a death in the family and I've been really busy but I promise I'll update in the next couple of days

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